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  • Tags: anniversary

Newspaper clipping describing the 50-year anniversary of the St. Casimir's Church.

The celebration began with a procession from the rectory to the church lead by James Mertz and the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. Following were altar boys and…

Newspaper clipping describing the preparations for St. Casimir's Church 50-Year Anniversary.

The church building, originally the power station for the street cars in the early 1900s, was acquired by Fr. John S. Dziok in 1928, and through the…

Fr. Louis S. Bilicky of St. Casimir's Church celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of his Silver Jubilee (25 years in the priesthood) on May 5, 1974. A reception followed at the Concord State Armory.

Included are:
- Invitation to the…

Ticket and envelope for a Dinner-Dance at Monaco's in Wayland, Friday, February 22, 1963. Social hour at 7:00 p.m., Dinner at 8:00 p.m. and Dancing. Sponsored by The Golden Jubilee Committed of St. Casimir's Parish, Maynard. Ticket number 137. …

St. Casimir's Church Sixtieth Anniversary Booklet 1912 - 1972. Celebration was held November 26, 1972.

- History of St. Casimir's Church in English and Polish
- Prayer to St. Casimir in English and Polish
- Congratulatory messages…

1912 - 1937 (25th Anniversary)
(translated from Polish)
Jubilee Ball
St. Casimir's Parish
in Maynard, Mass.
In the Parish Hall on Saturday, May 22
Shep Wolan and his Radio Broadcasting Orchestra
Admission, 45¢ (tax exempt)

Newspaper photos of St. Casimir's Church, mass of thanksgiving, on their 75th anniversary, November 22, 1987.

Photos show priests celebrating the mass: Cardinal Bernard Law, Fr. Thomas Navien, Msgr. John Abucewicz, Msgr. Stanislaus Sypek, Sister…

Program from St. Casimir's Church, mass of thanksgiving, on their 75th anniversary, November 22, 1987.

Program includes a poem; a prayer; list of priests, altar boys, ushers, choir, and organist; list of readings and hymns; program for the…

Newspaper article from The Assabet Valley Beacon describing the St. Casimir's Church the 60th anniversary of the parish.

A mass of thanksgiving was celebrated by Archbishop Humberto Medeiros, Fr. John Dziok, and Fr. Louis Bilicky. A…

A promotional flyer for an Open House at the Legion's home on Summer St. celebrating: 75th Anniversary of American Legion Post 235, 75th Anniversary American Legion Auxiliary Unit, 50th Anniversary of Girls State in Massachusetts, and the 50th…

A Meritorious Service and Loyal Cooperation Citation in honor of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Frank J. DeMars, American Legion Post 235.

Signed by Ruth C. Jones and Stewart J. Campbell

Souvenir pin commemorating the 300th anniversary of the Finnish & Swedish people arrival in America, 1638 - 1938.

Participation pin of the Joint Celebration, Rhode Island & Connecticut, of the 300th anniversary of Finnish people coming to America.

The pin commemorates the 300th year of Finns and Swedes arrival in America, 1638-1938. The festival was held in Delaware, attended by Kings and Presidents.

The bakery was celebrating its 65th anniversary. Established by the Paulson Family in 1926. Three pencils collected.

An oval sticker announcing Paul's anniversary founding in 1926 by the Poulson family.

For the occasion of the town's coming 100th anniversary in 1971, a look back on how the 50th anniversary was celebrated in 1921.