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Vintage Ruler/Pencil Box
A wooden 1920 pencil box with a slide top and ruler attached. These were used by school children.
School Pencil Box
A wooden pencil box decorated with painted blue flowers owned by Cora Doret Edwards.
Collection of Maynard Business Advertising Pencils
A collection of Maynard business advertising pencils. The following businesses are represented: Peaslee Associates, Deeks Antiques, Forsyth Realty Inc.(pencil), Maynard Oil Co.(pencil), Butler Lumber Co., Foley & Sons Home Improvement, Classic…
Maydale Pencil
A pencil with the Maydale Beverage Co., Inc. logo. The inscription reads: "25 Glendale St., Maynard, Mass., Phone Twin Oak 7-7071, Life is Great When you Carbonate".
Middlesex Launderers & Cleansers, Inc. Pencil
An advertising pencil from Middlesex Launderers & Cleansers, Inc.
Maydale Pencils
A collection of 20 cream colored Maydale pencils. The logo reads: "Compliments of Maydale Spring Co., Maydale Ginger Ale, Tel. Maynard 90".
Promotional Lead Pencils
The W. A. Haynes Co.
Grain - Lumber
Autos and Auto Trucks
Warren A. Haynes owned and operated a grain and lumber company as well as selling autos and auto trucks in the early 1900's. Haynes owned a large section of the land along the southeast corner of Nason St. and Summer St.
Promotional Lead Pencils- 1991
Paul's Food Shoppe, Inc.
51 Main St., Maynard, Mass.
The bakery was celebrating its 65th anniversary. Established by the Paulson Family in 1926. Three pencils collected.
Promotional Lead Pencil
Sanderson's - 6 Nason St.
Greeting Cards & Stationery Supplies
Proprietor was Louise Webster.
Promotional Lead Pencil
Maplecrest Farm Dairy
Maynard, Mass.
The 1940 Maynard High School football schedule is printed on the pencil.
Promotional Pencils
Maydale Beverage Co., Inc.
25 Glendale St., Maynard, Mass.
Three pencils advertising Maydale with the slogan "Life is great when you carbonate".