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  • Tags: CO1940

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the December / Freshman issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the December issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right to view…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the November / Freshman issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the March / Spring issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the November / Freshman issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the…

This is the "Senior Number", a yearbook edition of "The Screech Owl" school newspaper.

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the June / Senior issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right to…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the June / Senior issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right to…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the June / Senior issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right to…

A senior photo of Raymond Bamford, Class of 1940, Maynard High School.

The 1940 Maynard High School football schedule is printed on the pencil.

Front row: Third from left, George Whalen
2nd row: First on left, Alice Mullen
3rd row: Fifth from left, Madeline Lukashod, Sixth from left, James Boothroyd; Tenth from left, Edward Gately
Back row: Seventh from left, Russell Edwards

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A dance card for the senior dance.

The booklet contains names, addresses and general information about the members of the class.

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Center: Alice L. Fearns, Class Advisor; Leo. F. Mullin, Acting Principal
Roger Burnham, Treas; George Whalen, Pres.; Margaret Crowe, Sec.; Virginia Taylor, Vice Pres.

By columns, top to bottom:
1st from left: Edwin Wasiuk, Guy Tannuzo, Water…