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  • Tags: class picture

(l to r)
Front Row:
____, ____, ____, ____, Richard Lalli, ____, Kris Hansen, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____.

Center Row:
Timothy Hartnett, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, Kimberly Morgan, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, Doris…

(l to r)
Front Row:
Raymond St. Hilaire, ____, ____, John Boothroyd, John Hakala, ____, ____, Dawn Carleton, Maurice Hayward, Robert Lalli, ____.

Center Row:
Mrs. Doris Fardy (Teacher), ____, Lorrie Anderson, ____, ____, Karen Edwards, Eric…

(l to r)
Front Row:
____, Linda Orsi, ____, Kathy Poirier, Betty Brieker, Robert Hill, ____, James Aromaa, Paul Egan.

Center Row:
Steve Wainio, ____, Steven Coyle, ____, John Salmi, ____, ____, ____, Cathy Sarvella.

back Row:
Mrs. Doris…

(l to r)
Front Row:
Gayle Hansen, Linda Panetta, ____, John Salmi, Karen Reiniger, ____, Kevin Lyons, Laurie Hunter, Dana Monsen, Audrey Kallio, Karin Kallio.

Center Row:
Mrs. Doris Fardy (Teacher), Edward Callahan, Richard Haywood, Deborah…

l to r

Top Row: June Statkus, Mary Sullivan, Claire Tourville, Elizabeth Wattu, Ann Weckstrom, Janet Thumith, Betty Stow, Barbara Priest, Virginia Barnes, Mary Angelosanto

2nd Row: Milton Slabysz, Gerald Tierney, Alfred Viola, William…

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Top Row: Dale Carruth, Timothy Fagan, William Butler, William LeSage, Stephen Staszewski, John Howes, Michael Kavalchuck, Kenneth Regan, Daniel Shostak, James Hunt

2nd Row: Vincent Catania, Thomas Tobin, Karl Hansen, Robert Latas, Tobi…

l to r

Top Row: Wesley Hirons, Joseph Rezuke, David Wade, Allan Maki, Joseph Lalli, Andre Gagnon

2nd Row: Robert Kauppi, Paul Molle, Stewart Campbell, Robert Hynes, Richard Butler, John Ferguson, Dennis Iannitelli

3rd Row: John McCarthy,…

l to r

Top Row: D. DeRosa, R. Bain, E. Byrne, W. Duggan, D. Knowles, C. Olson, E. Colleton, M. Koskinen, S. Sluyski, M. Murphy, J. Uglevich, A. Badger, C. Starr, L, Hayes

2nd Row: E. Veracka, D. Annett, S. Nee, A. Brooks, W. McDowell, G. Swett,…

l to r

Top Row (18): Maureen Lerer, Erik Tervo, Linda Machold, William Whitney, Alana Maki, Philip Saisa, Patricia Malloy, Francis Molle, Laurie Manning, David McKenna, Carol Wojsznis, Frederick Jaakkola, Jean Steeves, Jeffrey Hunter, Patricia…

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Top Row (5): John Mariani, Carl Fryatt, Richard Mariani, David Tompkins, Howard Perry

2nd Row (6): Richard Gorman, Michael Pileeki, Robert Ziman, Matthew Fouratt, Carl Michelson, Paul Wasiuk

3rd Row (7): David O'Loughlin, Bruce…

F. Mattioli, Principal; G. Piantoni, Class Advisor
Class Officers: E. Mullin, Treasure; W. Crowther, President; H.
Jenkins, Vice-President; K. Grandell, Secretary

l to r, top to bottom

1st row: A.…

A class picture of students in Grade 3 at the Coolidge School, 1973-74. The class teacher was Miss Ledgard.

l to rTop Row: Joanne Colombo, Rita J. Creighton, Jean S. Erickson,, Patricia Duckworth, Eileen Bell, Mary E. White, Julia E. Wehkoja, Nancy L. Whitney, Alice T. Laskowsky, Elizabeth E. Brown, Mary T. D'Amico2nd Row: Grace M. Mulcahy, Marion M.…

The school was originally the Main Street School renamed the Woodrow Wilson School.
The picture taken in the back of the school that was destroyed by fire in 1952.

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Back Row (7): Danny Carew, Al Viola, Archie Rogers, Charlie Foley, Billy…

A ledger with the graduates of the high school, colleges attended, employment, married name and current address (1930). The sample page shows the class of 1886 and 1888. Also shown is the number of graduates in each year and the class presidents.

Newspaper copy of the senior class.

Third grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "Third grade, September 1936, Catherine Murray, 31 children".

Identified in photo: Dorothy Boothroyd (3rd row, 4th from right).