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  • Tags: CO1974

(l to r)
Front Row:
____, Linda Orsi, ____, Kathy Poirier, Betty Brieker, Robert Hill, ____, James Aromaa, Paul Egan.

Center Row:
Steve Wainio, ____, Steven Coyle, ____, John Salmi, ____, ____, ____, Cathy Sarvella.

back Row:
Mrs. Doris…

Program from the 2011 Induction Ceremony for the Maynard High School Athletic Hall of Fame, held November 19, 2011, at the Maynard Elks Hall. The booklet contains the Hall of Fame Mission Statement; a letter from Ed Mullin, Committee Chairman; a list…

l to r

Front Row: 1. Jay Higgins, 2. Jane Wattu, 8 Joseph Walsh, 11. Robert Hill

Center Row: 1. Patti Stades, 4. David Harding, 5. Rose Anne Salamone, 7. Jeff Szkaradek, 8. Ernest Barilone, 9. Diane DeMars, 10. Deborah Lampila

Back Row: 1.…

l to r

Front Row (11): ___?, ___?, ___?, ___?, ___?, Jane Wattu, Jay Higgins, ___?, Ernest Barilone, Joseph Walsh, Jay Gramolini

Center Row (14): David Hardy, Roseanne Salamone, Diane DeMars, Deborah Lampila, ___?, Annette Mariani, Patti…

Program from the 2013 Induction Ceremony for the Maynard High School Athletic Hall of Fame, held November 23, 2013, at Maynard Elks Hall. The booklet contains the Hall of Fame Mission Statement; a letter from Ed Mullin, Committee Chairman; a list of…

Row 1:
David LeSage, Michael Gormley, Roger Kannaird, Robert Young, James Corcoran, Robert Oksa, Steven Ojalehto, Robert Degerstrom, Charles Wuorio, Steven Brown, Thomas Watt, James Toohey, Christoper Quinn

Row 2:
Thomas Dawson, Steven Silva,…