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  • Tags: CO1976

(l to r)
Front Row:
____, ____, ____, ____, Richard Lalli, ____, Kris Hansen, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____.

Center Row:
Timothy Hartnett, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, Kimberly Morgan, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, Doris…

Program from the 2006 Induction Ceremony for the Maynard High School Athletic Hall of Fame, held November 18, 2006, at the Maynard Lodge of Elks. The booklet contains the Hall of Fame Mission Statement; a letter from Ed Mullin, Committee Chairman; a…

A class picture of students in sixth grade in 1970. Joyce Reynolds was the classroom teacher.

Row 1 (front):
Thomas Muise
Ann Marie Hatch
Donna Metz
Debbie Griffin
James Keenan
Richard Fulton
Steven Hardy
Leon Tyler

Program from the 2013 Induction Ceremony for the Maynard High School Athletic Hall of Fame, held November 23, 2013, at Maynard Elks Hall. The booklet contains the Hall of Fame Mission Statement; a letter from Ed Mullin, Committee Chairman; a list of…