Dublin Core
Grade 3 Woodrow Wilson School - 1940
The school was originally the Main Street School renamed the Woodrow Wilson School.
The picture taken in the back of the school that was destroyed by fire in 1952.
l to r
Back Row (7): Danny Carew, Al Viola, Archie Rogers, Charlie Foley, Billy Skirton, Billy O'Toole, Chris Cutaia
Center Row (7): Charlie Piecewicz, Charlie Garlisi, Ron Gagne, Chet Wolack, Billy White, Fran Paananen, Richard Harwood
Front Row (10): Betty Howe, Sara Boeske, Joanne Paananen, Nancy Dwyer, Norma Martinson, Betty Hatch, Dawn Lyons, Mary Lihto, Arlene Elliot, Joan Finch
High School Class of 1950
The picture taken in the back of the school that was destroyed by fire in 1952.
l to r
Back Row (7): Danny Carew, Al Viola, Archie Rogers, Charlie Foley, Billy Skirton, Billy O'Toole, Chris Cutaia
Center Row (7): Charlie Piecewicz, Charlie Garlisi, Ron Gagne, Chet Wolack, Billy White, Fran Paananen, Richard Harwood
Front Row (10): Betty Howe, Sara Boeske, Joanne Paananen, Nancy Dwyer, Norma Martinson, Betty Hatch, Dawn Lyons, Mary Lihto, Arlene Elliot, Joan Finch
High School Class of 1950
Sara Patterson
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo paper copy
Physical Dimensions
4 1/2 x 6 1/2 ins.
1950 Folder