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  • Tags: Bancroft Street School

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Front Row (10): ___?, Alice Donaghue, Linda Gentsch, ___?, John Lent, ___?, Donna Sjoblom, Cynthia Pallian, Linda Gogolin, Elaine Colombo

Second Row (8): ___?, ___?, Ellen Sokolowski, Janice Wojtkiewicz, Dorothy Barilone, Janet Jarvinen,…

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Front Row (9): Judy Smith - entirely hidden, Barbara Donaghue, Bill Cuttle, Paula Saarinen, Rosemary Allan, Christine Tupper, Marsha Hunt, Bob Roulliard, David Smith - partially hidden

2nd Row (7): Joe Lalli, Charles Syrjanen, ___?,…

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Front Row (8): ___?, ___?, Lois Staple, Paula Saarinen, Frank Catania, ___?, Mary Donovan, Judy Smith

2nd Row (7): Jon Hansen, Mable MacLellan, Doug Waluck, Nancy Tannuzzo, David Smith, Gary Phillips, Dave Jones

3rd Row (7): ___?, …

l to rFront Row (9): Judy Smith, Mary Donovan, Paula Saarinen, Lois Staple, Mable MacLellan, Terry Green, David Smith, Doug Waluck, Francis CataniaCenter Row (7): Charles Syrjanen, Steve Sokolowski, Diane Larson, Peter Popieniuck, Jon Hansen, Nancy…

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Front Row (11): ___?, Bonnie ___?, Judy Brown, Judy Ferranti, Billy Smith, Terry Green, Nancy Grierson, Carol Connolly, Timmy O'Driscoll, Ray Latva, ___?

2nd Row (7): David Chadwick, Bob Barber, Rudy Lattuca, Rita Lalli, Bentley…

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Front Row (7): Virginia Weckstrom, Carol Noshka, Judy Ferranti, Rita Lalli, Nancy Grierson, Terry Green, Louise Terrasi

2nd Row (7): JoHanna DeRosby, Fred Jaakkola, Barry Grant, Billy Smith, John Weir, Bob Barber, Christine Baker


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Front Row (10): Bob Barber, Jim Donovan, Bentley Bloomberg, Nancy Grierson, Dennis Thompson, Ed Gilleney, John Weir, Terry Green, Billy Smith, David Chadwick

2nd Row (7): John Hanson, Rudy Lattuca, Dennis Hansen, Barry Grant, Maureen…

Teacher: Mrs. Adelide Sims

Row 1:
Chas "Baseball" Syrjanen, David Smith, Steven Sokolowski, Gary Phillips, Paula Saarinen, David Moore, Douglas Waluck, Jon Hansen, Joseph Graceffa, Mary Donovan, Judy Smith

Row 2:
Frank Catania, Dennis Salmi,…

Row 1:
Ann Fraser, Ellen Duggan, Carol Raikunen, Ann Lawlor, Gail Hellawell, Alice Marsden, Cynthia Duley, Donna Bloomberg

Row 2:
Karen Soroka, Susan Lehto, Arlene Larson, Arlene Chyzus, ?, Marty Malcolm, Peter Waldron, Ann Martucci


A collection of School Registers for the Bancroft Street School, renamed the Calvin Coolidge School in 1932. Each Register is for a grade (1-6), year and school. They contain names, date of birth, attendance, address, parent name, nationality,…

Third grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "Third grade, September 1936, Catherine Murray, 31 children".

Identified in photo: Dorothy Boothroyd (3rd row, 4th from right).

Second grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "Second grade, September 1935, Miss Irene Wood".

First grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "Charles Lent, 1st grade, Sept. 1940".

Identified in photo: Naomi Boothroyd (3rd row, 4th from right).

Third grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "David L. Lent, III Grade, Miss Canty".

Row 1:
Ralph Kelly, Bob Cleary, Arlene Pirkola, Pat Latva, Peg Lowney, Marguerite Angelosanto, Kathleen Simons,…

Fourth grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA.
Teacher: Mrs. Dignan

Row 1:
Marion Murphy, Marguerite Angelosanto, Kathleen Simons, Mary Bakun, Sandy Symes, Judy Lester, Roberta Cuttell, Karalee Manty, Adele Croft, Donna…

Sixth grade class photo (no year given) from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA.

Note on back reads: "Adelade Sims (Teacher, 3rd row, 1st from right), ? Tobin (4th row, 1st from left)".

Row 1:
Adele Croft, Marion Murphy, Sandy Waldron,…

Fifth grade school photo from Calvin Coolidge School, Maynard, MA.

1st Row:
Jeanne Hanson, Adele Croft, Maureen Mullin, Sandra Waldron, Mary Bakun, Roberta Cuttell, Arlene Pirkola, Sandra Symes, KaraLee Manty

2nd Row:
Marion Murphy, Joyce…

Third grade class photo from 1940, Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "Donald A. Lent, Jr., 3rd grade, Sept. 1940, Miss Murray".

Identified in photo: Virginia Barns (3rd row, 2nd from the right in pigtails).

Paul Stein: Next to top row, 5th from right

Miss Higgins is the teacher.