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The Screech Owl - December 1944
The Screech Owl was published twice in the school year 1944-45. The June issue is the yearbook.
The Screech Owl Yearbook - 1945
This is the "Year Book", a special edition of "The Screech Owl" school newspaper.
Class of 1945
A booklet of black and white pictures of the Class of 1945. It is not clear which year this was produced and who the individuals are as no names are given.
Calvin Coolidge School, 3rd Grade - 1936
Third grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "Third grade, September 1936, Catherine Murray, 31 children".
Identified in photo: Dorothy Boothroyd (3rd row, 4th from right).
Identified in photo: Dorothy Boothroyd (3rd row, 4th from right).
Calvin Coolidge School, 2nd Grade - 1935
Second grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "Second grade, September 1935, Miss Irene Wood".
Maynard High School Class of 1945 Reunion
50th class reunion of the class of 1945 held at Maynard Country Club.
l to r
Back row, 9 men: Frank Dowen, Charlie Nevala, Dick White, Bob Murray, Al Poulson, Donald Bemis, Arthur Carbary, Ronald Dawson, Edward Lawler
2nd row: Lois Twinell, …
l to r
Back row, 9 men: Frank Dowen, Charlie Nevala, Dick White, Bob Murray, Al Poulson, Donald Bemis, Arthur Carbary, Ronald Dawson, Edward Lawler
2nd row: Lois Twinell, …
Maynard High School Football Team - 1944
Taken at Alumni Field, Maynard, Mass.
Paul Stein, 1st row, 4th from right
Paul Stein, 1st row, 4th from right
Calvin Coolidge School 3rd Grade - 1936
Bancroft Street
Paul Stein: top row, 2nd from right
Miss Murray is the teacher.
Miss Murray is the teacher.
Graduation Exercises from the Maynard Town Report - 1945
Maynard High School
The Graduates: Emory V. Amero, Mary Constance Arcieri, Shirley Ann Bain, Caroline Barilone, Marion R. Bell, Donald Everett Bemis, Olga Ann Bobritsky, Rita Frances Boothroyd, Ethel Marie Burgess, Arthur Fenwick Lord Carbary, Roger Henry Compton,…