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The Eriksen Brothers of Stow, Massachusetts
Hans and John Eriksen were bom in Denmark and came to America in the late 1800’s. Hans was the oldest, bom in 1871 and died in 1948. John was bom in 1875 and died in 1941. There was also another brother who settled in the state of Florida.
Promotional Magnet
Erikson's Dairy
An advertising magnet designed with a clip for paper.
It designates Erikson's 50th anniversary.
It designates Erikson's 50th anniversary.
Promotional Lead Pencil
Maplecrest Farm Dairy
Maynard, Mass.
The 1940 Maynard High School football schedule is printed on the pencil.
Half Pint Bottles
Hans Eriksen Dairy
The original dairy was started by Hans Eriksen around 1909 later sold to Hans H. A. Erikson. At some point the last name was spelled with an o rather than an e.
The three bottles shown has the original spelling.
The three bottles shown has the original spelling.
One Quart Milk Bottles
Erikson's Store
Two milk bottles, one labeled homogenized milk, use by Erikson's Dairy.
Half Pint Bottles
Erickson's Dairy
Two versions of half pint bottles use at the dairy. The tall bottle is label Hans Erickson.
Abraham Paakki - Kaisa Paakki Sippo - Henry Sippo
A collection of receipts from the 1910's and 20's retained at the dairy farm owned by the Paakki-Sippo family of Stow. The farm was taken by the Army during WWII as an ammunition depot and is currently part of the Assabet River National Wildlife…
Milk Deliver Slips
United Co-operative Society
Seven delivery slips for Grover Quimby, Gleasondale Road, Stow. The one shown includes a notice of a price increase.