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  • Tags: cream

Reusable standard glass bottle

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Twelve Maplecrest Farm glass milk bottles: 5- 1 qt. glass milk bottles; 3- 1/2 pint glass milk bottles. 2- 1/2 pt. Green Spot Bottles; 2- 1/2 pt.cream bottles.

Maplecrest was a dairy farm owned by Raymond Dreschler. The property passed to Ovila…

The cap fit the half pint bottle.

The original dairy was started by Hans Eriksen around 1909 later sold to Hans H. A. Erikson. At some point the last name was spelled with an o rather than an e.
The three bottles shown has the original spelling.

The half-pint cream container was used by Ericson's Dairy in Maynard.

A lacy cream blouse paired with a dark navy satin skirt (see 1999.760).