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  • Tags: automobile

A booklet from Tydol "Flying A" oil company used to keep track of road trips in your car. The book has records of a few trips by Marion Boothroyd in her 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook Club Coupe.

Nelson's Pontiac was located on Powdermill Road

This is a summary account of how automobiles were introduced in Maynard spanning 1899 to early 1910s

Dr. F. U. Rich owned the first automobile in Maynard. He is seen driving the car with his daughter, Gertrude Rich Cooke, as a passenger.

A Maynard Area Auto Club sign for the "1989 Shine & Swap Auto Fest".

A vintage steering wheel from (possibly) c1910-c1915 time period.

We do not know what kind of vehicle this belonged to, but given other William Salo donations to the collection were from his farm this is more likely a tractor steering wheel than…

An advertising matchbook with the Cannella Pontiac logo imprinted. Cannella Pontiac was located at 9 Powder Mill Road, Maynard, Mass.

An advertising license plate for "Great Road Dodge, New England's Oldest, Maynard, Mass."

Studebaker agency run by Martin Peterson with branches in Maynard, Concord and Hudson.

William Holly and John Comeau built an auto repair garage at the intersection of Summer St., Main St. and Acton St. These are seven Order Books that they used on a daily basis to keep track of repairs and charges.

William Holly and John Comeau built an auto repair garage at the intersection of Summer St., Main St. and Acton St.
Shown is the account for John E. Connors with the license plate number, date, odometer reading, service and cost.

A promotional wall calendar depicting a 1919 era automobile for each month. January is the Owen Magnetic. The 1975 dates are the same as the 1919.

Poster advertising the 1990 Autofest held at the Maynard Rod and Gun Club.

Large promotional wall sign, one magnetized.

Collection of wall calendars from 2001 through 2020 with photos of the cars of the month.

Promotional cups with the address shown.

The club sponsored an Assabet Valley Little League team.