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  • Tags: poster

Digital had their name on the Formula 1 Ferrari 640 for Grand Prix racing.

A poster outlining the development of products by the company from 1958 though 1983.

Window poster advertising the Sells and Gray Circus held at Crowe Park sponsored by the Rotary Club.

The outdoor poster advertised the annual carnival held at Crowe Park, sponsored by the American Legion

The carnival came annually to Crowe Park, sponsored by the American Legion.

"A great rivalry existed between Marlboro and Maynard at that time. Henry Gilroy, the moving picture man, brought a hired team to Marlboro, with a band, a goat and 500 hundred rooters on a special train. Maynard won this game 10 to 4. Carl Persons…

Regulation poster hung in fire house.
Chief: Samuel Lawton
1st Asst: Charles Cahill
Clerk: Thomas A. Sweeney

The placard was posted at the A & P store
in Pepperell, Mass.

Poster advertising a baseball game between Maynard T. T. and Saxonville with a dance to follow at the Saxonville Casino.

Poster advertising the 1990 Autofest held at the Maynard Rod and Gun Club.

Large promotional wall sign, one magnetized.

Red, White and Blue poster advertising the dedication of Memorial Park.

A box office window card for the People's Theater and Maynard Theater advertising the movies of the week of Oct 2, 1932 including Love Me Tonight, The Doomed Battalion, Back Street, Tom Brown of Culver, Midnight Patrol.

A lobby card for the (silent) movie "Those Who Dance"

A box office window card advertising the movies showing at the Maynard Theater the week of July 24, 1930 including: Across the World, Children of Chance, Alias the Bad Man

Two damaged box office window cards advertising the movies showing at the Strand Theater the week of August 21, 1931 including: Her Mad Moment, Young Sinners, The Perfect Alibi, Ubangi, Sit Tight

(Between the two cards we can reconstruct all of…

A box office window card for the Maynard Theatre advertising the movies for the week of July 17, 1931, including Ex-Bad Boy and Sweepstakes

A box office window card advertising the movies playing at the Maynard Theater during the week of October 11, 1931. (The Maynard Theater was located in the Gruber's Block on Main Street)

A heavily weathered box office window card announcing movies at Maynard Theater (Gruber's Block) during the week of May 10th, 1931

A poster announcing a parade and dance/concert for celebrating Columbus by Roma Lodge 1103, Sons of Italy. (Candidate years: 1961, 1956, 1950, 1939, 1933, 1928, Columbus Day was first observed nationally in 1934. The poster does not say Columbus…