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Regulation poster hung in fire house.
Chief: Samuel Lawton
1st Asst: Charles Cahill
Clerk: Thomas A. Sweeney

In 1871 a committee comprised of the following was organized to draw up By-Laws for the newly incorporated Town of Maynard: William H. Maxwell, John Hillis, Joseph W. Reed, Asakel Balcom, W. Hazelwood and George P. Randall. Town Clerk: E.R. Chase,

The By-Laws include sections on Town Meetings, Financial Year, Town Treasurer, Water Register, Tax Collector and Taxes, Town Clerk, Assessors, Board of Health, Public Buildings, Dealers in Old Junk, Nuisances, Truancy, Streets, Jobs and Express…

The rules and regulations governing the duties of Police; Traffic Signs, Signals, Markings and Zones; Parking; Advertising Signs; One-Way Streets; and Operation of Vehicles.
Board of Selectman: Donald A. Lent, Walter A. Cheslak, Alton W. Sims