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  • Tags: matchbook

Match covers promoting the Mill Stream Cafe that operated at 183 Main St., Maynard during the 1940's and 50's.
Proprietor was Tony Watts

Attached thumbnail is an article that appeared in the Beacon Business Review, The Beacon Newspaper, Thursday…

A matchbook from Uncle's Pete Carbone's Twin Tree Cafe, 34 Powder Mill Rd., on Route 62, Maynard, Mass. Tel. TWin Oaks 7-9851. The inside of the matchbook is the date 1959.

An advertising matchbook with the Cannella Pontiac logo imprinted. Cannella Pontiac was located at 9 Powder Mill Road, Maynard, Mass.

A black & white matchbook with the Manning Pharmacy logo.

An advertising matchbook for Middlesex County National Bank.

A matchbook advertising the Maynard Consumers Credit Union. The address was 68 Main Street, Maynard, Massachusetts.

Four matchbooks with promotional advertising for Assabet Institution for Savings.

A red matchbook from the Maynard Co-Op Store.

A cardboard cartoon with 41 matchbooks advertising the restaurant on Powder Mill Road.

Likely the United Co-operative tire promotion.

Two promotional Christmas theme matchbooks.
The store was operated by the Bachrach brothers in the Knights of Columbus building at 52 Nason Street.

A former popular restaurant on Powder Mill Road.

Wayside operated a recording center in old Colonial Hall on Main St., over the former F. W. Woolworth store - 31 Main St.

United Cooperative Society
Hermon Hosmer Scott (H.H. Scott, Inc.).
Uncle Pete Carbone's "Twin Tree Café" .

The Twin Tree Cafe was run by Pete (Uncle Pete) Carbone for many years. It was famous to everyone throughout New England. Now owned…