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  • Tags: Army

Two Army 303rd Field Artillery Regiment Collar Insignia badges issued during the WW 1 period. They attach through uniform material with a screw and nut. The 303rd Field Artillery Regiment was stationed out of Fort (Camp) Devens, Mass. Camp Devens…

The pin has a hand and sword, the color blue for Infantry and the motto for the school at Fort Benning, Georgia.

A group photo of the artillery in Virginia. Not sure if there are any Maynard men in the Battery.


Wide-format group portrait of 2 sanitary squads (numbers 91 and 92) of the 12th Division at Camp Devens in Ayer, Massachusetts.

U.S. Army Recruiting Station poster with "Uncle Sam" saying "I want YOU for the U.S. Army"


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An Army ammunition pouch, with the name H. Mattonen printed on it. This pouch is part of a WW II Army memorabilia collection from Antonio S. Terrasi.

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One Army Jacket appears to be c. WWII. The second jacket and pants appear to be more recent issue.

Two green/brown, woolen, medical blankets manufactured for the US Military by the American Woolen Company.

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A green World War II Army jacket with the name of Schnair imprinted on the collar. Mr. Peter Schnair was a resident of Maynard, MA.

This jacket was worn by Gino Pierozzi who saw considerable action. An Army jacket from World War II.

An official booklet with songs that the army could use including: The Star Spangled Banner, The Army Air Corp, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Oh! Susana, The Caissons Go Rolling Along and many others.

Edward Ledgard 3rd from left. Just before the regiment left for the march to Fort Devens in July 1917. They marched through Maynard on the way.

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Edward Ledgard 3rd from left. Just before the regiment left for the march to Fort Devens in July 1917. They marched through Maynard on the way.

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