Dublin Core
Membership Application
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
A collection of applications to VFW Post No. 1812, Maynard, Mass.
The applications show the name of applicant, occupation, nearest relative, enlistment and discharge dates, branch of military, Campaign Medal Service and other information. Two examples are shown, both sides.
The applications show the name of applicant, occupation, nearest relative, enlistment and discharge dates, branch of military, Campaign Medal Service and other information. Two examples are shown, both sides.
Document Item Type Metadata
The VFW applicanticatons in the collection are:
Russell Albee, Louis Peter Andersen, Francis William Bakun, Daniel B. Barilone, Albert F. Bemis, Guiseppe Peter Bianchi, Edward J. Boltrukeiwicz, George F. Bowse, Donald Herbert Brayden, Joseph James Brescia, Thomas Brigham, Edward P. Callahan, John Francis Cashell, Wasil Chernak, Roland John Chidley, Peter Chutoransky, Anthony R. Ciraso, Vincent Collura, Joseph Corcoran, Albert James Crowley, Theodore J. Cuff, Angelo Curci, Harold Arthur Cuttell, Charles B. Dawson, Michael DeGrappo, Joseph P. Dineen, Lloyd Everett Dowen, John Edward Dunn, Joseph Dutkowski, Eino Arthur Eklund, John Edward Emro, Frank Giosue Finizio, Patrick A. Fitzpatrick, David J. Foley, Thomas J. Foley, Edward Charles Foley, James M. Foley, Lloyd Austin Forsyth, John Melvin French, Frank Gallis, Robert David Garland, Benjamin Giammarco, Joseph Michael Grigas, Burton Gruber, Frank Peter Grudinski, Benjamin John Gudzinowicz, Edward A. Hatch, Edward A. Hanlon, Leo Joseph Horan, John M. Horan, Frank W. Ignachuck, John Raymond Jasielonis, Richard Earl Johnston, Veli R. Kangas, Nicholas Raul Kavalchuck, Elwood J. Kessler, Charles John Klufts, Joseph Stanley Kodzis, Albert J. Kugima, Pasquale A. Lalli, Eugene Joseph Landry, George Matthew Lehto, Willis Irving Lester, Harry Victor Liimatainen, Albert Gustaf Lindh, Ralph Edward Lingley, Donald Arthur MacGlashing, Michael Maglione, Robert Earl Mansfield, Elmer Walter Mattson, Daniel Henry McCauley, William F. McGann, Leonard Francis McKenna, Charles W. Mercier, Carlo Joseph Mistretta, Arthur Henry Morrill, Paul William Mosca, John E. Mutty, Arvid W. Nelson, John Arthur Newis, William Oates, Toivo Olavi Pekkala, Joseph John Piecewicz, Francis D. Roche, John Phillip Rowe, Vincent Scacciotti, Avrom Henry Seder, William Alfred Sleaford, Robert Albert Smale, Frank P. Smart, Thomas Vincent Smith, Benny M. Sofka, Francis X. Sousa, Stanley Paul Staszewski, Edward John Sublick, Albert Francis Sullivan, Alfred Joseph Tetreault, Paul Joseph Tetreault, Joseph Anthony Tiano, John Joseph Tobin, Leonard James Van Vorse, Kenneth Steven Vlass, Joseph G. White, Richard Thomas White, Thomas L. White, Philip Francis Williams, Richard Gordon Wolfe, Oliver Drew Wood, Walter Zancewicz
Russell Albee, Louis Peter Andersen, Francis William Bakun, Daniel B. Barilone, Albert F. Bemis, Guiseppe Peter Bianchi, Edward J. Boltrukeiwicz, George F. Bowse, Donald Herbert Brayden, Joseph James Brescia, Thomas Brigham, Edward P. Callahan, John Francis Cashell, Wasil Chernak, Roland John Chidley, Peter Chutoransky, Anthony R. Ciraso, Vincent Collura, Joseph Corcoran, Albert James Crowley, Theodore J. Cuff, Angelo Curci, Harold Arthur Cuttell, Charles B. Dawson, Michael DeGrappo, Joseph P. Dineen, Lloyd Everett Dowen, John Edward Dunn, Joseph Dutkowski, Eino Arthur Eklund, John Edward Emro, Frank Giosue Finizio, Patrick A. Fitzpatrick, David J. Foley, Thomas J. Foley, Edward Charles Foley, James M. Foley, Lloyd Austin Forsyth, John Melvin French, Frank Gallis, Robert David Garland, Benjamin Giammarco, Joseph Michael Grigas, Burton Gruber, Frank Peter Grudinski, Benjamin John Gudzinowicz, Edward A. Hatch, Edward A. Hanlon, Leo Joseph Horan, John M. Horan, Frank W. Ignachuck, John Raymond Jasielonis, Richard Earl Johnston, Veli R. Kangas, Nicholas Raul Kavalchuck, Elwood J. Kessler, Charles John Klufts, Joseph Stanley Kodzis, Albert J. Kugima, Pasquale A. Lalli, Eugene Joseph Landry, George Matthew Lehto, Willis Irving Lester, Harry Victor Liimatainen, Albert Gustaf Lindh, Ralph Edward Lingley, Donald Arthur MacGlashing, Michael Maglione, Robert Earl Mansfield, Elmer Walter Mattson, Daniel Henry McCauley, William F. McGann, Leonard Francis McKenna, Charles W. Mercier, Carlo Joseph Mistretta, Arthur Henry Morrill, Paul William Mosca, John E. Mutty, Arvid W. Nelson, John Arthur Newis, William Oates, Toivo Olavi Pekkala, Joseph John Piecewicz, Francis D. Roche, John Phillip Rowe, Vincent Scacciotti, Avrom Henry Seder, William Alfred Sleaford, Robert Albert Smale, Frank P. Smart, Thomas Vincent Smith, Benny M. Sofka, Francis X. Sousa, Stanley Paul Staszewski, Edward John Sublick, Albert Francis Sullivan, Alfred Joseph Tetreault, Paul Joseph Tetreault, Joseph Anthony Tiano, John Joseph Tobin, Leonard James Van Vorse, Kenneth Steven Vlass, Joseph G. White, Richard Thomas White, Thomas L. White, Philip Francis Williams, Richard Gordon Wolfe, Oliver Drew Wood, Walter Zancewicz
Original Format
One Hundred Fifteen 4 x 6 in. index cards
VFW folder