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Salo Farm Field on Parker Street


Dublin Core


Salo Farm Field on Parker Street


A photo of Salo Farm on Parker Street.

The farm was located on Parker Street opposite B Street. The barn was moved here from the Elmhurst Farm on Great Road. The farm was a partnership between the Simon and Salo families. The house on the farm was the home of William and Millie Simon.

The Salo Farm land was purchased by Atkins and Merrill Company in 1968. As part of the purchase Millie Simon was allowed to live in the farmhouse until her passing. The barn, however, was torn down to make room for the Atkins and Merrill building.

Circa 1970 the Atkins and Merrill property was sold to Digital Equipment Corporation (the eventual three Parker Street (PK) facilities).

Digital (Compaq) sold the property to developers in 2011. Eventually this became the Maynard Crossing development in the early 2020s which hosted a mixed use of both retail and housing.


Historical narrative courtesy of Thomas Sheridan




Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Photo prints.

Physical Dimensions

3.5 x 5 in.

