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  • Tags: railroad station

Part of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company.

A blue "Maynard" sign that is from the Boston & Maine railroad station which stood on the corner of today's Main Street and Railroad Street: 151 Main Street. From photos of the station this was one of, perhaps 3, signs that were on the side of…

Pictured is the train about to leave for Boston. Before the arrival of automobiles several trains per day left Maynard for Boston and Marlboro.

The back of the second card is for address only as regulated by the U.S. Post Office. In 1908 address message were allowed on backside.

Looking east on Main Street. Located at xx Main Street. Built in 1850. It was turn down in 1957.

Standing near the Boston & Maine Railroad Station (Railroad Street block is visible in the rear).
Third from left is George Salisbury, Maynard Station Agent.

First photo taken 1902, the second in 1912.
Located on Main Street across from the Assabet Mill. The first picture was taken in the early 1900's by R.J. Keep of East Jaffrey, NH from where the Country Store [formerly] stood. Enlargement was made by…