Dublin Core
Daniel Francis Sullivan and Gertrude Gilleney Sullivan
A post card photo of Daniel Sullivan who was born in 1888. "Danny" Sullivan worked as an Assistant Paymaster in the American Woolen Company office. His family lived on Great Road in Maynard. His parents were James & Hannah Sullivan, Maynard.
Gertrude Gilleney Sullivan married Daniel Sullivan June 22, 1910.
They lived on Great Rd., Maynard.
They both died from TB within three months of each other. Daniel passed away on Sept. 21, 1913, age 25 yrs. Gertrude died on Dec. 10, 1913, aged 25 yrs. They are buried in St. Bridget's Cemetery.
Gertrude Gilleney Sullivan married Daniel Sullivan June 22, 1910.
They lived on Great Rd., Maynard.
They both died from TB within three months of each other. Daniel passed away on Sept. 21, 1913, age 25 yrs. Gertrude died on Dec. 10, 1913, aged 25 yrs. They are buried in St. Bridget's Cemetery.
Estate of Agnes Johnson.
2024.271; 2024.272.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo print.
Physical Dimensions
3.25" x 5.25"; 3" x 5.25".