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John Henry White - 1923


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John Henry White - 1923


A photo of John Henry White and his family taken at his 50th Wedding Anniversary gathering. John Henry White, born in Sudbury 1849, a son of William H. White and Ann Carroll White, was an original signer of the Town of Maynard's Incorporation Petition, 1871. He was a personal chauffeur to Amory Maynard. This celebration was on September 28, 1923. Front Row, left to right: Louise Lister, Rita Griswold, John Henry White(seated), Ruth Lister, Julia Marie {Buckley} White(seated), Sheila Griswold, and Leo Carroll White(son). Back Row, left to right: Lee Griswold, Harry White(son), John McSweeney, Ella, Julia, & Dennis White(son), Frances White Lister(daughter), Dennis & Hannah {Punch} Buckley, (an unidentified woman), Annie White(daughter) & Lee Griswold. Missing are William J. White, d. 1895, and John W. White, d. 1917.




Donated by Mary White Worden and Christina White Lister.



Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Digital Origination

Physical Dimensions

6 x 8 in.