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IOLA LODGE Ledger 1875-1879
A ledger of the Recording Secretary's Minutes of the Iola Lodge #91, Independent Order of Good Templars, instituted February 19, 1866. The lodge was a temperance group dedicated to the prohibition of alcohol.
08/06/1875 - 01/04/1879
Document Item Type Metadata
The meetings were held weekly on Tuesday from 8 PM to 10 PM. They seem to follow more or less the same format each week.
OPENING by the WCT ?
ROLL CALL of the officers
JOURNAL accept the minutes of the previous meeting
RECESS an intermission, often waved
CHARGES brought by one member against another, in the first sample shown, 8 June 1875, Bro. Ernest Yauke was charge with being intoxicated (in the next meeting, after investigation by a committee, it was reported that the charges were "not sustained").
COMMITTEE a report by the literary committee, new committees and their appointees. In the second sample shown, Nov.7, 1876, an entertainment committee was appointed with Bros. Edward Bryan, Amory Maynard, Alma Parker, Geo Potter and Sis. Carrie Moore, Eunice Hapgood, Alice Neucomb.
BUSNIESS bills, records, repairs etc...
Another RECESS
PROPOSITIONS these are proposals for new members.
INITIATION new members voted after an investigation.
GOOD OF THE ORDER This seems to be the part of the meeting for discussions, readings, entertainment, lectures, songs by members.
CLOSING adjourment of meeting always before 10PM
OPENING by the WCT ?
ROLL CALL of the officers
JOURNAL accept the minutes of the previous meeting
RECESS an intermission, often waved
CHARGES brought by one member against another, in the first sample shown, 8 June 1875, Bro. Ernest Yauke was charge with being intoxicated (in the next meeting, after investigation by a committee, it was reported that the charges were "not sustained").
COMMITTEE a report by the literary committee, new committees and their appointees. In the second sample shown, Nov.7, 1876, an entertainment committee was appointed with Bros. Edward Bryan, Amory Maynard, Alma Parker, Geo Potter and Sis. Carrie Moore, Eunice Hapgood, Alice Neucomb.
BUSNIESS bills, records, repairs etc...
Another RECESS
PROPOSITIONS these are proposals for new members.
INITIATION new members voted after an investigation.
GOOD OF THE ORDER This seems to be the part of the meeting for discussions, readings, entertainment, lectures, songs by members.
CLOSING adjourment of meeting always before 10PM
Original Format
Ledger, hard covered, 8.5 x 13 in.; 238 pages