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Edmund Crotty Military Service Portrait
Edmund J. Crotty
Private United States Army
F Company
141st Infantry
36th Division
Born: (unknown)
Died: Jan 16, 1944
Edmund was killed in action at the Rapido River, Italy where he is buried. His brother Leo was told that a German "88" shell blew him to bits. His sister was told he died in an assault crossing the river.
Records indicate Edmund had a Bronze Star and Purple Heart medal. A marker is in the American World War II Military "Sicily-Rome Cemetery" at Nettuno, Italy.
The portrait is on display in the Maynard Veterans' Wall of Honor in the Soup Campbell Room, Lower Level of Maynard Town Hall.
Private United States Army
F Company
141st Infantry
36th Division
Born: (unknown)
Died: Jan 16, 1944
Edmund was killed in action at the Rapido River, Italy where he is buried. His brother Leo was told that a German "88" shell blew him to bits. His sister was told he died in an assault crossing the river.
Records indicate Edmund had a Bronze Star and Purple Heart medal. A marker is in the American World War II Military "Sicily-Rome Cemetery" at Nettuno, Italy.
The portrait is on display in the Maynard Veterans' Wall of Honor in the Soup Campbell Room, Lower Level of Maynard Town Hall.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Framed Photo 8x10
Physical Dimensions
8 x 10 inches