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Gordon Doel Military Service Portrait


Dublin Core


Gordon Doel Military Service Portrait


Gordon T. Doel
PFC United States Army
A Company
18th Infantry
1st Division

Born: 1924
Died: Jan 24, 1945

Gordon lived at 251 Main Street and was inducted into the service at Fort Devens in May 1944, Platoon Sgt Jim Gillespie (Gainesville, Georgia), thinks that Gordon was in the 3rd squad of his platoon. He was killed by a tree burst as they searched the woods for German parachutists on December I9th. He recalls Gordon as a fine young man. always willing to do his duty.

Death date given by Massachusettts Adjutant General's Office, Boston, MA.

The portrait is on display in the Maynard Veterans' Wall of Honor in the Soup Campbell Room, Lower Level of Maynard Town Hall.




Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Framed Photo 8x10

Physical Dimensions

8 x 10 inches

