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Aubrey Leard Military Service Portrait


Dublin Core


Aubrey Leard Military Service Portrait


Aubrey W. Leard
PFC United States Army
L Company
377th Infantry
95th Division

Born: Nov 12, 1912
Died: Nov 16, 1944

Aubrey had been in the service for nine months. He had anine day furlough in May, and another short one in July, before heading overseas. He was 32 years old and died near Metz, France.

Aubrey is survived by his wife, mother, and step-father, who lived on Main Street. He also has three brothers and one sister. He was bom in Nashua, New Hampshire and employed at Hudson Worsted Company, prior to entering the Army.

The portrait is on display in the Maynard Veterans' Wall of Honor in the Soup Campbell Room, Lower Level of Maynard Town Hall.




Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Framed Photo 8x10

Physical Dimensions

8 x 10 inches

