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Travel Journal of a 1914 Class Trip to Washington D.C.
A 27-page scrapbook journal of the Maynard High School Class of 1914 trip to Washington D.C. including a narrative journal by Herbert Martin interspersed with numerous postcards and other memorabilia of the various points of interest visited during the trip.
Herbert W. Martin
Ellen Duggan
Document Item Type Metadata
On April 24, 1914, the party started for Washington. In the party from Maynard there was 30, the Class of 14: Mabel Taylor, Hazel Easthope, Genevieve Coughlan, Madeline Wall, Margaret Dunn, Julia, Sheehan, Mildred, Randell, Rose Jackmann, Whitney Bent, Wilford Hooper, Ralph Cheney, Albert Murphy, John Gibbons, Herbert Martini, Gertrude Haynes, Grace Haynes, Mabel Bishop, Inez Toop, Anna Coughan, Nelle Wilson, Mrs. E. Wilson, Miss M. MacOwen, Raymond Hooper, Edward Ledgard, Timothy Fairbanks, Lloyd Walker, Everett Toop, Mr. and Mrs. William Coulter, and Kenneth H. Damren (our chaperone).
The party left the Maynard Depot at 2:03 PM and had to wait in Boston until 5 PM.
At the South Station we were joined by 24 more people from New Hampshire and Maine making our party consist of 54 persons. In order that our party might not get separated before we were all acquainted and thus get lost, Mr. Damren provided us each with a white carnation.
We boarded our train at 4:45, and it pulled out at 5 sharp. Just as it started, we were all showered with confetti, by Carl Marsh, May Parkins and Edward Hooper, just as if we all had just been married and were starting on our honeymoon.
We arrived at Providence at 6:30 and we're obliged to hurry across the city to catch our boat. The boat started at 7 PM, just after we had received our state room keys, as it happened and we were able to be on deck.
The trip down the Harbor was fine. During the early evening I was with Inez Toop and Mabel Bishop and Edward Ledgard. We retired early, however, not till after we had passed around Point Judith. It was very calm although there was no moon.
John and I bunked together. He was sick for about a half an hour. It happened that he was the only one sick on the whole trip. He was all right after that and was not even sick coming back.
I rose and had breakfasted by 5:30 AM Saturday and went on deck to see the approach to the New York docks. At six o'clock the harbor was much busier than Boston is all day. We passed all the bridges and could just discern the Statue of Liberty on the horizon, because of the fog. The boat docked at 7 AM.
We were hustled across on the ferry to the Pennsylvania Station there we were told to be sure and get into our right car on the train. It was No. 1694 and we all made it without any mistake.
We left New York at 8:30 and arrived in Philadelphia at 11:30. It seemed very queer to look from the train and see the yellow and red sands. Things down there were a whole lot greener than they were at home. In Philadelphia we visited Independence Hall and signed in the Nat'l Registry. Then we went to Carpenter's Hall and later the Mint. At the mint I changed some money and brought some of the new coin home and gave a piece to each member of the family.
We lunched at the New Bingham Hotel in a private dining room at Mr. Damren's expense. It was a fine Hotel, dandy eats and fine service. After lunch we had about 3/4 of an hour to do as we liked and most of us went to Wanamaker's Department store, a fine place.
We left Philadelphia at 2 PM and arrived at Washington about 6:30. We were transported free to the Hotel on the Royal Blue Line Cars. We arrived at the National after we had been to our rooms and cleaned up and did in the evening as we pleased. John, Ed and I walked the streets while the rest went to the Congressional Library.
At the hotel we were well separated, the girls being on one floor and the fellows on the floor above. They were afraid of our noise. I was in a suite of 3 rooms with 9 other fellows. Sometime Saturday night we were all tired & retired early & quietly.
(This is not a distinct picture of the hotel but gives and idea where it is.)
[Page 4, Postcards on page]
Although we fellows were sound asleep early Saturday night things started to happen in the girls rooms. Gert and Mildred were fooling in the corridor and they ran into each other when someone hollered "there's a man". This collision resulted in a black (blue, purple, pink & green) eye for Gert and a terrific head ache for Mildred. Gert thought it would spoil her fun but it didn't.
We went to church after breakfast Sunday. I attended St Patrick's Cathedral. We did not go anywhere else until after dinner which was for us at 12:30.
At 1 PM we went to the Cocoran Art Gallery and spent an hour there. Then the crowd was gathered and taken to the U.S. War and Navy Building to have our pictures taken on the stone steps. This took up from 20 to 30 minutes.
[Group Photo]
Those in the picture are: Miss Lillian Mae Miller, Derry N.H.; Mr. J. B. Coldon, Concord N.H.; Miss C. J. Moore, Derry N.H.; Mrs. F. M. Patten, Derry N.H.; Miss S. Clark, Portland Me; Miss Vera Pillsbury, Mr. & Mrs. Chas Pillsbury, Derry, N.H.; Mrs. N. E. Miller, Derry N.H.; Miss A. C. Burgess, Miss Mary Myles, Mrs. R. L. Newcomb, Warren Me; Miss E. Clark, Portland Me; Miss F. Sparr, Mr. D. J. Burgh D. D., Mr. Burgess, Warren Me; Miss Evelyn Wyllie, Thomaston Me; J.M. Fairbanks, So Acton;
Mr. & Mrs. Wm Coulter, Maynard; G. M. Coughlin, Maynard;
K H Damren (Boss), Maynard; J. E. Sheehan, Maynard;
R A Jackmann, Maynard; H.E. Easthope, Maynard;
Margaret D????, Maynard; Everrett Toop, Maynard;
W. J. Bent, Maynard; John Gibbons, Maynard;
Mil. Randall, Maynard; Edward Ledgar, Maynard;
Gert. Haynes, Maynard; W. P. Hooper, Maynard;
Grace Haynes, Maynard; Ray Hooper, Maynard;
Mel? Taylor, Maynard; Lloyd Walker, Maynard;
Mabel Bishop, Maynard; Herbert Martin, Maynard;
Inez Toop, Maynard; Mrs. E. Wilson, Maynard;
Jake Murphy, Maynard; Nellie Wilson, Maynard;
Flo?? Wall, Maynard; Miss M. McOwen, Maynard;
R. Cheney, Maynard; Anna Coughlan, Maynard
[end of page 6. Transcription corrections welcome!]
After the picture had been taken we took an auto tour on the Royal Blue Line. It took 4 hours. We passed by and saw:
Residential Sections
National Cemetery
1. 23,000 unknown buried
2. 5,000 known buried
3. Thr?? Lee House (gardens & grave).
4. Sherman Monument.
5. View of city across the valley.
Cross the Potomac.
1. Trial of 1st steamboat.
2. Canal Service in Wash. time.
I went to the Library of Congress alone at night. Learned it was 8 yrs in construction, cost $6,500,000; Has an Ebony room for Ambassadors. It has magnificent frontage and marble & gold finish inside. Paintings, highly colored and mahogany furniture.
[Note: we would be happy to accept a further transcript of the journal, plus any candidate corrections/additions to the existing transcript.]
The party left the Maynard Depot at 2:03 PM and had to wait in Boston until 5 PM.
At the South Station we were joined by 24 more people from New Hampshire and Maine making our party consist of 54 persons. In order that our party might not get separated before we were all acquainted and thus get lost, Mr. Damren provided us each with a white carnation.
We boarded our train at 4:45, and it pulled out at 5 sharp. Just as it started, we were all showered with confetti, by Carl Marsh, May Parkins and Edward Hooper, just as if we all had just been married and were starting on our honeymoon.
We arrived at Providence at 6:30 and we're obliged to hurry across the city to catch our boat. The boat started at 7 PM, just after we had received our state room keys, as it happened and we were able to be on deck.
The trip down the Harbor was fine. During the early evening I was with Inez Toop and Mabel Bishop and Edward Ledgard. We retired early, however, not till after we had passed around Point Judith. It was very calm although there was no moon.
John and I bunked together. He was sick for about a half an hour. It happened that he was the only one sick on the whole trip. He was all right after that and was not even sick coming back.
I rose and had breakfasted by 5:30 AM Saturday and went on deck to see the approach to the New York docks. At six o'clock the harbor was much busier than Boston is all day. We passed all the bridges and could just discern the Statue of Liberty on the horizon, because of the fog. The boat docked at 7 AM.
We were hustled across on the ferry to the Pennsylvania Station there we were told to be sure and get into our right car on the train. It was No. 1694 and we all made it without any mistake.
We left New York at 8:30 and arrived in Philadelphia at 11:30. It seemed very queer to look from the train and see the yellow and red sands. Things down there were a whole lot greener than they were at home. In Philadelphia we visited Independence Hall and signed in the Nat'l Registry. Then we went to Carpenter's Hall and later the Mint. At the mint I changed some money and brought some of the new coin home and gave a piece to each member of the family.
We lunched at the New Bingham Hotel in a private dining room at Mr. Damren's expense. It was a fine Hotel, dandy eats and fine service. After lunch we had about 3/4 of an hour to do as we liked and most of us went to Wanamaker's Department store, a fine place.
We left Philadelphia at 2 PM and arrived at Washington about 6:30. We were transported free to the Hotel on the Royal Blue Line Cars. We arrived at the National after we had been to our rooms and cleaned up and did in the evening as we pleased. John, Ed and I walked the streets while the rest went to the Congressional Library.
At the hotel we were well separated, the girls being on one floor and the fellows on the floor above. They were afraid of our noise. I was in a suite of 3 rooms with 9 other fellows. Sometime Saturday night we were all tired & retired early & quietly.
(This is not a distinct picture of the hotel but gives and idea where it is.)
[Page 4, Postcards on page]
Although we fellows were sound asleep early Saturday night things started to happen in the girls rooms. Gert and Mildred were fooling in the corridor and they ran into each other when someone hollered "there's a man". This collision resulted in a black (blue, purple, pink & green) eye for Gert and a terrific head ache for Mildred. Gert thought it would spoil her fun but it didn't.
We went to church after breakfast Sunday. I attended St Patrick's Cathedral. We did not go anywhere else until after dinner which was for us at 12:30.
At 1 PM we went to the Cocoran Art Gallery and spent an hour there. Then the crowd was gathered and taken to the U.S. War and Navy Building to have our pictures taken on the stone steps. This took up from 20 to 30 minutes.
[Group Photo]
Those in the picture are: Miss Lillian Mae Miller, Derry N.H.; Mr. J. B. Coldon, Concord N.H.; Miss C. J. Moore, Derry N.H.; Mrs. F. M. Patten, Derry N.H.; Miss S. Clark, Portland Me; Miss Vera Pillsbury, Mr. & Mrs. Chas Pillsbury, Derry, N.H.; Mrs. N. E. Miller, Derry N.H.; Miss A. C. Burgess, Miss Mary Myles, Mrs. R. L. Newcomb, Warren Me; Miss E. Clark, Portland Me; Miss F. Sparr, Mr. D. J. Burgh D. D., Mr. Burgess, Warren Me; Miss Evelyn Wyllie, Thomaston Me; J.M. Fairbanks, So Acton;
Mr. & Mrs. Wm Coulter, Maynard; G. M. Coughlin, Maynard;
K H Damren (Boss), Maynard; J. E. Sheehan, Maynard;
R A Jackmann, Maynard; H.E. Easthope, Maynard;
Margaret D????, Maynard; Everrett Toop, Maynard;
W. J. Bent, Maynard; John Gibbons, Maynard;
Mil. Randall, Maynard; Edward Ledgar, Maynard;
Gert. Haynes, Maynard; W. P. Hooper, Maynard;
Grace Haynes, Maynard; Ray Hooper, Maynard;
Mel? Taylor, Maynard; Lloyd Walker, Maynard;
Mabel Bishop, Maynard; Herbert Martin, Maynard;
Inez Toop, Maynard; Mrs. E. Wilson, Maynard;
Jake Murphy, Maynard; Nellie Wilson, Maynard;
Flo?? Wall, Maynard; Miss M. McOwen, Maynard;
R. Cheney, Maynard; Anna Coughlan, Maynard
[end of page 6. Transcription corrections welcome!]
After the picture had been taken we took an auto tour on the Royal Blue Line. It took 4 hours. We passed by and saw:
Residential Sections
National Cemetery
1. 23,000 unknown buried
2. 5,000 known buried
3. Thr?? Lee House (gardens & grave).
4. Sherman Monument.
5. View of city across the valley.
Cross the Potomac.
1. Trial of 1st steamboat.
2. Canal Service in Wash. time.
I went to the Library of Congress alone at night. Learned it was 8 yrs in construction, cost $6,500,000; Has an Ebony room for Ambassadors. It has magnificent frontage and marble & gold finish inside. Paintings, highly colored and mahogany furniture.
[Note: we would be happy to accept a further transcript of the journal, plus any candidate corrections/additions to the existing transcript.]
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