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Fr. Bilicky Silver Anniversary Mass Handout - 1974
Handout sheet for the Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of Fr. Bilicky's Silver Anniversary of his Ordination (25 years), May 5, 1974.
Handout indicates that the ceremony started with a procession from the rectory to the church.
Lists concelebrants of the mass:
Fr. Louis S. Bilicky - St. Casimir's Maynard
Fr. Joseph P. Gately - St. Bridget's, Maynard
Fr. Joseph S. Lukas, Sacred Heart, Ipswich
Fr. Thaddeus A. Saja, St. Peter's, Norwood
Fr. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr., St. Elizabeth's, Milton
Bishop Joseph F. Maguire, Southern Region Archdiocese
Fr. Stanislaus J. Sypek, St. Adalbert's, Hyde Park
Fr. Vincent A. Jakul, St Theresa's, North Reading
Fr. Louis C. Dufour, St. Bridget's, Maynard
Fr. John J. Cannon, St. Bridget's, Maynard
Fr. Francis S. Strykowski, St. John the Baptist's, Salem
Sister Christine Marie, St. Joseph's Convent, Webster
Lists the musical program:
- Michael McElman and Betty Saganich - organists
-Jon-Paul Gallant - director of St. John's Seminary Choir made up of 12 seminarians
-St. Casimir's Choir
- List of hymns
Handout indicates that the ceremony started with a procession from the rectory to the church.
Lists concelebrants of the mass:
Fr. Louis S. Bilicky - St. Casimir's Maynard
Fr. Joseph P. Gately - St. Bridget's, Maynard
Fr. Joseph S. Lukas, Sacred Heart, Ipswich
Fr. Thaddeus A. Saja, St. Peter's, Norwood
Fr. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr., St. Elizabeth's, Milton
Bishop Joseph F. Maguire, Southern Region Archdiocese
Fr. Stanislaus J. Sypek, St. Adalbert's, Hyde Park
Fr. Vincent A. Jakul, St Theresa's, North Reading
Fr. Louis C. Dufour, St. Bridget's, Maynard
Fr. John J. Cannon, St. Bridget's, Maynard
Fr. Francis S. Strykowski, St. John the Baptist's, Salem
Sister Christine Marie, St. Joseph's Convent, Webster
Lists the musical program:
- Michael McElman and Betty Saganich - organists
-Jon-Paul Gallant - director of St. John's Seminary Choir made up of 12 seminarians
-St. Casimir's Choir
- List of hymns
St. Casimir's Silver Jubilee Committee
Paper, 8.5 x 11 in.
Printed on both sides
Printed on both sides
Polish, English
Document Item Type Metadata
Back of handout is the hymn "Serdeczna Matko" ("Stainless the Maiden") in Polish.
Representative English text:
1 Stainless the Maiden whom he chose for mother,
Nine months she waited, bearing Christ, our brother;
Think of her gladness when at last she saw him:
God in a manger, Bethlehem a heaven!
2 Lantern in darkness, when the sick are sighing,
Threshold of brightness, comfort for the dying,
High she is holding for a world adoring,
Hope of the nations, Jesus Christ, our brother.
3 Jesus has conquered; to his side he raised her,
Queen of the angels, every saint has praised her.
Yet, in her splendor, Mary goes on drawing
Sinners and exiles to their promised glory.
Representative English text:
1 Stainless the Maiden whom he chose for mother,
Nine months she waited, bearing Christ, our brother;
Think of her gladness when at last she saw him:
God in a manger, Bethlehem a heaven!
2 Lantern in darkness, when the sick are sighing,
Threshold of brightness, comfort for the dying,
High she is holding for a world adoring,
Hope of the nations, Jesus Christ, our brother.
3 Jesus has conquered; to his side he raised her,
Queen of the angels, every saint has praised her.
Yet, in her splendor, Mary goes on drawing
Sinners and exiles to their promised glory.
Father Louis S. Bilicky - St. Casimir Church Folder #6 of 6