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The Screech Owl Yearbook - 1942
This is the "Senior Number", a special edition of "The Screech Owl" school newspaper.
Maynard High School
Document Item Type Metadata
We'll Always Remember
A year ago in May, I sat deep in thought, pencil in hand, writing ’42’s farewell to ’41. 1 was then a Junior so the real significance of graduation did not dawn upon me. It seemed to me the culmination of a few weeks’ glorious round of banquets, outings, and dances. Now, as a Senior, I see the picture in a clearer light. For some of us. Graduation Day is the end of all our school years. We sever our ties of friendship and each goes his way. The hilarious study periods, the moments of anguish spent in conjugating French verbs, the terrifying exploits in the Lab., Socials, Junior Proms, and Football Rallies will all become rolled into one joyous memory to be looked back upon in the years to come.
We are not the first class to set out on a journey with destination unknown, but we are the first class to graduate in the period of World War II. Our travels will be more difficult than those of previous classes as we are being thrown into a world of strife and chaos. Therefore, Class of ’42, it is our duty to make the best of circumstances, practice the teachings, and follow the advice received in Maynard High and keep the glorious memory of our Alma Mater shining in our hearts forever.
The Editor, ’42
A year ago in May, I sat deep in thought, pencil in hand, writing ’42’s farewell to ’41. 1 was then a Junior so the real significance of graduation did not dawn upon me. It seemed to me the culmination of a few weeks’ glorious round of banquets, outings, and dances. Now, as a Senior, I see the picture in a clearer light. For some of us. Graduation Day is the end of all our school years. We sever our ties of friendship and each goes his way. The hilarious study periods, the moments of anguish spent in conjugating French verbs, the terrifying exploits in the Lab., Socials, Junior Proms, and Football Rallies will all become rolled into one joyous memory to be looked back upon in the years to come.
We are not the first class to set out on a journey with destination unknown, but we are the first class to graduate in the period of World War II. Our travels will be more difficult than those of previous classes as we are being thrown into a world of strife and chaos. Therefore, Class of ’42, it is our duty to make the best of circumstances, practice the teachings, and follow the advice received in Maynard High and keep the glorious memory of our Alma Mater shining in our hearts forever.
The Editor, ’42
Original Format
Soft cover 7.25 x 10 ins.; 44 pages