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The Screech Owl Yearbook - 1943
This is the "Senior Number", the yearbook edition of "The Screech Owl" school newspaper.
Maynard High School
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Goodbye to Maynard High School
It was only a few months ago that I found myself extending a welcome to the Freshman Class from the students of Maynard High, and now here I am deeply engrossed in writing 43's farewell to that self-same school. How the time has flown since that never-to-be-for-gotten day in September, 1939, when we, as Freshmen, entered high school!
During our Freshman and Sophomore years it was difficult to get along at first, but soon we began to take an active part in things, attending all socials and athletic events.
When these two years ended, we found ourselves anxious to go on to our last two years to us, the most important of all. Just the thought of them brought to mind what was ahead. In our Junior year the Prom and class rings were foremost in those somewhat silly heads of ours, but like other things they now are only memories.
Then came the year 1943. To the Seniors it had only one meaning graduation. Now as the day draws nearer we begin to realize its full significance. It's not just dances, an outing, and a banquet, but the time when we shall depart and bid farewell to our classmates and teachers. Each one will go his own way; the boys no doubt will join the ranks of those already in the service of their country and the girls will assume a greater responsibility than ever before filling the vacancies in business or industry.
We must thank the faculty and especially Miss Wilson, our class adviser, for their willingness to help us. We realize we have been difficult to manage at times, but, nevertheless, everything turned out all right in the end. And so, with always a thought for the days gene by, the class of '43 bids farewell to its alma mater, dear old Maynard High.
It was only a few months ago that I found myself extending a welcome to the Freshman Class from the students of Maynard High, and now here I am deeply engrossed in writing 43's farewell to that self-same school. How the time has flown since that never-to-be-for-gotten day in September, 1939, when we, as Freshmen, entered high school!
During our Freshman and Sophomore years it was difficult to get along at first, but soon we began to take an active part in things, attending all socials and athletic events.
When these two years ended, we found ourselves anxious to go on to our last two years to us, the most important of all. Just the thought of them brought to mind what was ahead. In our Junior year the Prom and class rings were foremost in those somewhat silly heads of ours, but like other things they now are only memories.
Then came the year 1943. To the Seniors it had only one meaning graduation. Now as the day draws nearer we begin to realize its full significance. It's not just dances, an outing, and a banquet, but the time when we shall depart and bid farewell to our classmates and teachers. Each one will go his own way; the boys no doubt will join the ranks of those already in the service of their country and the girls will assume a greater responsibility than ever before filling the vacancies in business or industry.
We must thank the faculty and especially Miss Wilson, our class adviser, for their willingness to help us. We realize we have been difficult to manage at times, but, nevertheless, everything turned out all right in the end. And so, with always a thought for the days gene by, the class of '43 bids farewell to its alma mater, dear old Maynard High.
Original Format
Soft cover stapled booklet 7. 25 x 10.25 ins.; 56 pages