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The Screech Owl Yearbook - 1944
This is the "Senior Number", the yearbook edition of "The Screech Owl" school newspaper.
Maynard High School
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To the Seniors:
The Omega of your school days and the Alpha of your life is at hand. You are to be the men and women of tomorrow. In your hands America lays her stars and stripes. She looks to you for the ultimate issues of all the vital things which are her life. Slight not your birthright, and go forth from the portals of Maynard High School with the resolution to work well and to persevere in spite of all adversaries and apparent failure.
The world owes you nothing, but you owe much to many in it. Your first great debt is to your parents or guardians. They have tenderly watched you through infancy, cared for your every want in childhood, and encouraged you in every worthy endeavor. They have been the ones who have made the sacrifices; they are the ones to be your first concern.
You are going into a unit of democracy in which you will have duties, privileges, and responsibilities, but where you must learn to share, to help and serve and respect the rights and privileges of others.
Never in the history of the world was there a greater need for self-control and discipline. It is crude discipline where "might makes right." Too vast an extent of the world is suffering today from the crushing might of the dictators.
Be loyal to your country, flag, and the religious belief in which you have been reared and to which your country gives full sanction. Be tolerant of the beliefs of others. The world has turned too long to materialism and for years has been reaping the results of its false doctrines.
"You cannot all be heroes and thrill a hemis- phere.
With some great daring venture, some deed that mocks at fear.
But you can fill a lifetime with kindly acts and true.
There’s always noble service for noble hearts to do."
Mary A. Doyle,
Superintendent of Schools.
The Omega of your school days and the Alpha of your life is at hand. You are to be the men and women of tomorrow. In your hands America lays her stars and stripes. She looks to you for the ultimate issues of all the vital things which are her life. Slight not your birthright, and go forth from the portals of Maynard High School with the resolution to work well and to persevere in spite of all adversaries and apparent failure.
The world owes you nothing, but you owe much to many in it. Your first great debt is to your parents or guardians. They have tenderly watched you through infancy, cared for your every want in childhood, and encouraged you in every worthy endeavor. They have been the ones who have made the sacrifices; they are the ones to be your first concern.
You are going into a unit of democracy in which you will have duties, privileges, and responsibilities, but where you must learn to share, to help and serve and respect the rights and privileges of others.
Never in the history of the world was there a greater need for self-control and discipline. It is crude discipline where "might makes right." Too vast an extent of the world is suffering today from the crushing might of the dictators.
Be loyal to your country, flag, and the religious belief in which you have been reared and to which your country gives full sanction. Be tolerant of the beliefs of others. The world has turned too long to materialism and for years has been reaping the results of its false doctrines.
"You cannot all be heroes and thrill a hemis- phere.
With some great daring venture, some deed that mocks at fear.
But you can fill a lifetime with kindly acts and true.
There’s always noble service for noble hearts to do."
Mary A. Doyle,
Superintendent of Schools.
Original Format
Soft cover stapled booklet 7 x 10.25 ins; 60 pages
1 copy in closet