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  • Tags: Calvin Coolidge School

A black and white photo of the school taken in 1970. The first floor was built in 1906, the second in 1910.

First grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "Charles Lent, 1st grade, Sept. 1940".

Identified in photo: Naomi Boothroyd (3rd row, 4th from right).

Third grade class photo from Calvin Coolidge School in Maynard, MA. Note on back reads, "David L. Lent, III Grade, Miss Canty".

Row 1:
Ralph Kelly, Bob Cleary, Arlene Pirkola, Pat Latva, Peg Lowney, Marguerite Angelosanto, Kathleen Simons,…

A photo of students presenting a puppet show.
l t r
Back: John Soroka, Sandra Spratt
Front: Paul Boothroyd, Raymond Laskowski

Three photos of Ray Gray, janitor & crossing guard for the Bancroft School. One picture is with two unidentified teachers; and another one shows Ray with police hat and badge for crossing guard. He worked at the school for 25 years.