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  • Tags: church

Fr. Killilea was pastor of St. Bridge's Parish in 1906-1909. It was during his pastorate that the present rectory was built. Named a Vicar Forane with the title of Very Reverend in 1920.

A photo of St. Bridget's Church interior.

The School is located on Percival Street.


Located on Summer Street, the corner stone for the St. George's Church was laid on August 10, 1895 and was consecrated on April 14, 1897. The building is currently a private residence.

The second photo shows the church and the rectory located…

Located on Prospect Street, the church was erected in 1915-16.
The first photo was taken November 22, 1931. Second photo was taken in 1970. The third photo shows the redesigned entrance.

Tags: ,

Taken at St. Bridget's Church by Bob Talbourdet. Processed and mounted by members of 4-H "Rangefinders" of Maynard. Presented to the Maynard Historical Society by the group on Saturday December 19, 1970.

Photograph of Maynard, the mill complex, and St. Bridget's Church taken from Summer Hill in 1905.

A booklet dedicated to the celebration of the 60th Anniversary, 1916-1976, of Holy Annunciation Church, Maynard, MA. The booklet describes the history of the Church in Maynard, pictures of clergy, and good wishes from parishioners.

l to r
Top: Rev. Walter E. Brown, 1909-17; Parish Rectory; Rev. Edward F. Crowley, 1918-1930; Rev. Charles McGuire (Sweeney?); Rev. John A. Crowe, 1894-1905

Bottom: Rev. John McHugh, 1917-18; St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church, Acton (which was…

The folder contains: copies of the church deed; church history; parish priest information; church events; church societies; misc. newspaper articles; church drawings; catechisms; jubilees and celebrations; centennial information; bulletins; misc.…

Rev. George A. Hamilton said the first Mass at Assabet Village in 1850. He was the Pastor of the Great Milford Parish (Milford to Assabet) 1850-54. Left Photo

Rev. John A. Conlin built the first St. Bridget's Church on Main Street in 1865. It was…

Named a Monsignor by Pope Pius XII, January 15, 1946.

This is a copy of the original deed of the land sold at the corner of Percival Street and Sudbury Street by Amory Maynard to John Joseph Williams, Pastor, for $747.98.

The right photo shows Fr. Browne standing on the St. Bridget's Rectory in 1913. During his time St. Elizabeth's Chapel was built in West Acton and served by the Maynard clergy.

This is a remembrance card prepared at the time of his death.

Fr. Meagher died from influenza in 1918 while serving at St. Bridget's.