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  • Tags: model

The scale model includes VT125 Terminal Monitor, Keyboard and PDP-11-based Processor, released in early 1980's. The MINC computers were used in research and industrial settings. There were connected to laboratory equipment and were programmed in…

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A model of the 350 Processor, Keyboard and Monitor released in 1982

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A model of the Rainbow 100 Processor, Keyboard and Monitor that was released in 1982.

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The VAX 8600 computer was released in 1984.

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The scale model includes VT105 Terminal Monitor, Keyboard and PDP-11-based Processor, released in early 1980's. The MINC computers were used in research and industrial settings. There were connected to laboratory equipment and were programmed in…

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The VAX 11/780 was released in 1977.

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The PDP 11/60 was released in 1977.

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These two models are representative of the mill tower and clock that has come to be used as a symbol for the Town of Maynard.

A photograph of the models of St. Bridget's rectory and church when they occupied a site close to where the current Town Building is located. The models where built by Paul Boothroyd, Jr.

Clock Tower model was presented to Dave Maccia from Digital Equipment Corporation in appreciation for 25 years of service.