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Town Records

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Town Records


These are documents related to the Maynard town government: annual town reports, fiscal records, lists of persons, street lists, voter lists, town committee reports, town meeting warrants, etc.


Collection Manager (Maynard Historical Society)

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Community Preservation Act in Maynard  2006 -2008
The Community Preservation act was adopted by Maynard at the 2005 Town Meeting and Town election in 2006. The CPA was enacted by the Massachusetts Legislature in 2000 to enable local municipalities to preserve resources in four core categories -…

Report of the Committee on Lighting -1902<br />
Town of Maynard
The Committee's report and recommendations to the Town voters relative to an Agreement with the American Woolen Company to supply street lighting for the Town.
P. J. Sullivan
George H. Hart
A. J. Coughlan
James F. Sweeney
C. H.…

Amendments To By-laws of the Town of Maynard -1915
Many of the Amendments involved the Annual Town Meeting procedures however one Amendment did establish a Finance Committee, its structure and responsibilities.

Town of Maynard Scammed - 1896<br />
The Farmers&#039; Loan and Trust Company Letter

W. D. Searls Vice Pres.t
R. G. Roston, Pres.t
E. L. Marston, Sec.y
Wm.H Leupp 2nd Vice Pres.t
Samuel Sloan Jr. Ass.t Sec.y

The Farmers Loan and Trust Company.
16,18,20 & 22 William St.

Please Address
P.O. Box, 1510.
New York


Maynard Property Valuations For 1989
A supplement to the Maynard Edition of The Beacon newspaper. The street, number, owner, land value, building value and total value is listed.

Finance Committee Report, Budget, Recommendations and Official Warrant - 1980, 1983, 1984, and 1986.
Four Finance Committee Reports for Maynard, MA, 1980, 1983, 1984, and 1986. The Meeting took place in the Maynard High School Auditorium.

Dedication of Maynard Town Building and Library - 1962
A copy of the program used at the Formal Dedication of the Town Building.

Attending individuals:
Edgar M. Olsen, Rev. Richard D. Rintala, Jean T. Caisey, Stanley M. Kulik

Howard E. Boeske, Joseph F. Dineen, John H. McDonald

Edwin Carlton,…

Perambulate the Town Boundary - 1975<br />
State law requires the town boundaries be verified every 5 years. During November 1975, DPW Superintendent Tom Sheridan took Selectman Tom Cocco and Dick White along with Dick's two sons, Denis and Charlie, to perambulate and date the…

Maynard Historical Commission Citation - 2021<br />
Massachusetts House of Representatives
Citation presented to the Historical Commission in recognition of their effort in the erection of the Maynard Mill Marker.

Maynard Historical Commission Official Citation - 2021<br />
Massachusetts Senate
Citation in recognition of the work done by the Historical Commission to erect the Maynard Mill Marker.

Land Use &amp; Major Street Plan - 1958
The plan was developed for the Maynard Planning Board and the Massachusetts Department of Commerce as guide to promote desirable growth in Maynard.

Maynard Planning Board: Walter J. Carbone, Fiorentino J. DiGrappa, Worsley Fardy, Frank W. Johnson,…

Central Business District Plan - 1958
A plan developed for the Maynard Planning Board and the Massachusetts Department of Commerce making recommendations to enhance the business district.

Maynard Planning Board: Walter J. Carbone, Fiorentino J. DiGrappa, Worsley Fardy, Frank W.…

Glenwood Cemetery National Historic Register Nomination Form

Thirty three pages, a pdf file attached

MACRIS - 2018/20219<br />
Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System<br />
<br />
Maynard Historical Property Inventory
A description of historical properties and areas with a photograph and information including: Location, Present Use, Date of Construction, Overall Condition, Major Intrusions and Alterations, Acreage.

Maynard Historical Property Inventory
A description of historical properties and areas with a photograph and information including: Location, Present Use, Date of Construction, Overall Condition, Major Intrusions and Alterations, Acreage.


Massachusetts Historic Landmarks - 1974
Correspondence relative to the designation of the "Town Clock", "Puffer Road", "Old Marlboro Road" and "Concord/Summer Street" as Historic Landmarks. The selectman approving are Edward J. Allard, Thomas A. Cocco and Richard T. White. Birger R.…

Hook and Ladder, No. 1 - 1891<br />
Maynard Fire Department
The church to the right is St. Bridget's, then located on Main St. where this picture was taken.

Identified people
l to r
Del Martin, William Clements, Henry Ledgard, Joshua Edwards, James Murray, James Cleary, Joshua Edwards, Asahel Haynes,…

Public Works Sticker<br />
Town of Maynard
Peel off label for side of vehicle

Original Town Seal<br />
Town of Maynard
This was the Town Seal until 1975 when the current seal was adopted (see 2020.391). The seal hung in the selectman's office.

Valuation List for the Town of Maynard<br />
1879 - 1880 - 1881 - 1882

There are 27 columns available with the following descriptions:
1. Name 2. Number of Polls 3. Cash Tax on Polls 4. Value of each Person's Whole Stock in Trade 5. Description of Taxable Cash Assets 6. Value of Cash Assets 7. Value of Machinery used…