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  • Collection: Centennial

A black and white photo of The Mavericks/Brothers of the Brush, taken during the Maynard Centennial in 1971. This photo was found in the Maynard Time Capsule buried in 1971, and opened in 2021.

Row 1:
John Armour, Clayton Wardwell, Paul…

A sign produced during the Maynard Centennial, 1971, indicating a Fireman's Muster. The Muster was held at 1:00 PM in Crowe Park, Sunday, June 27, 1971. This muster sign was found in the Maynard Centennial Time Capsule, which was opened in 2021.

During the 2021 Sesquicentennial Year of the founding of Maynard, MA, the Maynard Centennial Time Capsule (buried in 1971) was opened. The contents include but are not limited to the following: two extensive draft documents about the history of…

The poster advertised the best beard and mustache contest grown at the time of the Town's centennial.

Commemorative hair cover folded into a plastic case.

Two sets of first run medals, one side only.

Unopened pack of cards as a souvenir of the Centennial.

Guest name inserts in a plastic case with a blue ribbon.

The musical was sponsored by the Maynard Centennial Committee with the help of the Calico Belles; presented at the Maynard High School Auditorium.

Participants: l to r
Front Row (17): Anna Wilson, Ellen Shaw, Ed Reed, David Westlake, Theresa…

The MILLTOWNERS were a male vocal group that performed at the time of the Centennial. They wore this patch on a their vest as part of the costume.

Two Maynard Historical Society Membership Cards issued for the Maynard Centennial Celebration, 1971.

Two blue and white banners used during the 1971 Centennial Celebration. The first was hung on the side of a car representing the Maynard Centennial Committee, and the other was on a car representing the Maynard Historical Society. They were used…

Centennial plate, celebrating the 1971 Maynard Centennial. The plate is cream and blue with a gold edging. Images of Maynard landmarks are imprinted on the inner section of the plate.

Seven (7) white and blue Centennial Cups.

A letter from the Lowell Sun's Metro Editor, Peter Gluckler, regarding the medal line cuts for the Centennial Emblem. It is dated July 1, 1971.

A ticket to one of the many events that occured at the time of Maynard's Centennial.

The event was held at St. Bridget's School Hall.

Four cream and black badge for Brothers of the Brush worn during the Maynard Centennial.

A ticket to the Maynard High School Alumni Association Banquet on June 30, 1971. It was held at Alphonse's Powder Mill Restaurant.