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A certificate of recognition for Aaro Hyden presented by the State of Massachusetts on behalf of his service in World War II. Maurice Tobin is the Governor on the certificate.

Aaro Hyden's Army Honorable Discharge Notice, dated September 15, 1945.

A tinted photo of Aaro Hyden in dress uniform for the US Army.

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A black and white photo of Aaro Hyden in US Army flight jacket.

A black and white photo of Aaro Hyden in dress uniform for the US Army.

Two tinted photos of Aaro Hyden in Fano, Italy, dated November 1943. One photo is of Aaro riding a bike with another unidentified soldier. The second tinted photo is of Aaro seated on the tire of a WWII plane.

A green photo book of black and white photos of Aaro Hyden while he was stationed in Italy during WWII. The photos have no identifiers on them.

The Honorable Discharge/Separation Paper for Aaro Hyden from the US Army dated September 15, 1945.

Aaro Hyden's certificate of attendance in Grade VII presented by the Maynard Public School, dated June 12, 1931. It is signed by Charles H. Walker, Superintendent.

A Boston Sunday Globe publication that celebrates the 100th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809. It was printed for the children of New England and their parents and shares his life's story 100 years after his birth.

A collection of receipts from the 1910's and 20's retained at the dairy farm owned by the Paakki-Sippo family of Stow. The farm was taken by the Army during WWII as an ammunition depot and is currently part of the Assabet River National Wildlife…

The hood was worn over the gown at graduation exercises. The maroon and gold are Boston College colors and the 3 in. white velvet trim indicates a master's in the arts.

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The road was to access land owned by the Town of Maynard. It was never built.

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Joe Boothroyd's insurance card that outlines the benefits offered by the Woolen Mill.

An account book enumerating the hours of the work dedicated to W. V. Siswick's plumbing business. The dates are from January 8, 1907 to March 27, 1907.

It is noted his business was succeeded by B. F. Townsend.

Game between Milford and Maynard High Schools. Another of the many unusual plays by Don Lent.


A Diploma for Accounting from the Bentley School of Accounting and Finance.


Acme Theater Productions had its home in the corner basement of 61 Summer Street (former Fowler Middle School / ArtSpace Maynard) for 22 years. The Town broke the lease on the theater at the end of 2023 forcing the production company to seek a new…

Paul Boothroyd standing by a 1946 Dodge used by the Firestone store located at 18 Nason Street.