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  • Tags: fire department

Photograph of MFD fire fighters and engine entering a building fire at Tom's Auto Repair (Texaco) located at 13 Brown Street.

Photograph of MFD Engine 2 and fire fighter working a fire at Tom's Auto Repair located at 13 Brown Street.

Maynard Fire Chief George Whalen in white coat

Photograph of the MFD working a fire at Tom's Auto Repair (13 Brown Street). Firefighters and Engine 2.

Chief George Whalen in foreground.

Photographs taken during fire in Tom's Auto Repair located at 13 Brown Street.

Photograph a ladder company engaged with the Pizza and Spaghetti House fire on Nason Street late into the evening.

Photograph of fire being fought on Main Street.
Left: MFD Chief George Whalen
Right: Local newspaper reporter

(Based on position of mill clock and buildings in the background, the photo was taken near the intersection of Main Street and Florida…

Fire in Maynard at an unknown location.

Multiple photographs of fire companies engaged with the Pizza and Spaghetti House fire on Nason Street late into the evening.

A photograph of a team of MFD firefighters with SCBA gear on Nason Street in front of the Town Paint and Supply store, which is next door to where the fire was located.

Photograph taken from north Nason Street of the fire at the Pizza and Spaghetti House fire.

The diner is also visible in this photograph.

MFD firefighters on stairway working the Pizza House fire.

Two photographs of building containing Dick's Pizza and Spaghetti House located at 38 Nason Street after the fire.

One photograph is from the front (east side) showing the businesses residing in the building:

#38 - Pizza and Spaghetti…

Fire in Maynard at an unknown location.

Photograph of the west side of the Massa’s Bakery fire

Photograph taken on Main Street of the aftermath of the Center Factory Outlet fire.

Firefighters working the Center Factory Outlet fire from Main Street.

Aftermath of the fire at Brackett Appliance Company on Harriman Court.

This building was also known as "Flood's Barn"

A photograph taken from Main Street (near the Assabet River Bridge) looking at the fire scene during the Center Factory Outlet fire.

MFD firefighters (and other mutual aid companies) work the fire at Center Factory Outlet using ladder and pump engines along with a group of onlookers.

Photo of the Police and Fire Station at the intersection of Main and Summer Streets