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  • Tags: CO1906

This is likely her senior class photo.

Grade and year are unknown.
Eva Edwards (Frye), 1st row, 4th from left.

Graduates: Harrison Edgar Persons, Ethel Ruth Butterworth, Frank Andrew May, Marion Haynes Walker, Eva May Edwards, Hilma Maria Hanninen, Gertrude Adams Deane, Harold M. Dufur

Instructors: Jane E. Warfield, Alice E. Towne, Alice M. Mahoney, Lester…


Two copies of a sepia photo of Grade 2 students outside their school.
(l to r):
Front: unidentified

Second: Mabel Morris, Anna Carpenter, Evelyn Callahan, Gertrude Mahoney, Edna Denniston, Florence Hart, Annie Garlick, Eva Edwards, Anna…

A sepia photo of the second grade in the Nason St. School. The man with whiskers is William "Daddy" Priest, the custodian. Mrs. Jenkins is the teacher, not in photo.