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Laying the Cornerstone for the Town Building
A black and white photo of John MacDonald, Howard Boeske, and Joseph Dineen laying the cornerstone of the Town Building.
Howard Boeske Campaigners for State Representative.
Campaigners for Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's run for State Representative. Howard is 2nd from left in the photo. His nephew Paul Boeske is in the vehicle.
Howard Boeske Sr., Paul Boeske (driving), Howard Boeske Jr. (right)
Howard Boeske Sr., Paul Boeske (driving), Howard Boeske Jr. (right)
Howard Boeske Campaigners for State Representative
Campaigners for Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's run for State Representative. Howard is in the photo 2nd from the left.
Howard Boeske Campaigners for State Representative
Campaigners for Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's run for State Representative. Howard is in the photo 4th from the left.
Howard Boeske campaign picnic
Howard Boeske (a Maynard Selectman) ran for State Representative. Howard is in the plaid jacket. The women to Howard's right is his wife Ellen Mary.
Children in front of Howard Boeske's campaign bus
Somehow connected to Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's campaign for State Representative.
Children in front of a campaign bus
Somehow connected to Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's campaign for State Representative.
Centennial-related Display outside of Town Building
A centennial-related display set up outside of Maynard Town Building at 195 Main St. The sign reads "Ye Old Nut House" (or Hot House?), RESERVED, Maynard 1871. The 3 name plates are for (l-r): Chief George Whalen, Chairman Howard Boeske, Chief Al…