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  • Tags: Boeske

Three apartment buildings were taken down to make way for a fast food restaurant. The property was owned by Howard Boeske , see thumbnail of him standing in front of debris.

A pair of high-laced brown leather shoes made for women, ca1900. This pair of shoes was stocked in Oberg's Store on Main Street. They were given to Sara Boeske Patterson as a joke gift during the Christmas season of 1954 by Siggie Oberg and Tony…

A black and white photo of Maynard Selectmen, Will Dodd, Tommy Cocco, (unidentified), and Howard Boeske.

A black and white photo of young girls conducting a car wash at the New Orbit Car Wash which was part of Howard Boeske's Sinclair gas station on Waltham Street (near the Assabet River)

Note: The price of the (leaded) gasoline was 35 cents/gallon.

Somehow connected to Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's campaign for State Representative.

Walter Boeske and an unknown customer. Boeske Brothers Rambler auto dealership was located on Brown Street (Rout 27). Rambler stopped producing automobiles in 1969, so we assume this photo is prior to 1970.

Campaigners for Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's run for State Representative. Howard is in the photo 2nd from the left.

Campaigners for Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's run for State Representative. Howard is in the photo 4th from the left.

Campaigners for Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's run for State Representative. Howard is 2nd from left in the photo. His nephew Paul Boeske is in the vehicle.

Howard Boeske Sr., Paul Boeske (driving), Howard Boeske Jr. (right)

Somehow connected to Maynard Selectman Howard Boeske's campaign for State Representative.

A black and white photo of a car wash sponsored at the Boeske Gas Station. The station was located at the corner of Brown Street and Conant.