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  • Tags: newspaper clippings

Three apartment buildings were taken down to make way for a fast food restaurant. The property was owned by Howard Boeske , see thumbnail of him standing in front of debris.

Odd collection of newspaper clippings relating to Maynard.

Newspaper clippings related to sports in Maynard including a monograph of the history of sports.

Some of the presenters were: W. Torferri, Coggins Trio, Bill Wehkoja, Hulda Nelson, Boris Sokolowsky, Tony Colombo, Helen Coggins, Helen Mark, Chas. Manty, Vernice Coolidge

A miscellaneous collection of newspaper clippings relating to the Maynard United Cooperative Society.

Shown: Election article on the eight individuals running for four positions on the Board of Directors - Richard Burckes, James Allan, Nobleā€¦