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  • Tags: Sheridan

baby dress.jpg
The articles include: 2 muslin dresses for a doll, 2 blankets, 2 shirts, 1 hat, 1 pair of light blue shoes, 1 pair of long stockings, and 2 wraps, from the late nineteenth century.

A pin from the ARP (Air Raid Precautions) Women's Defense Corps that was worn during the WW II time period by Ellen F. Sheridan.

Katherine Ann "Kay" Sheridan was born in 1920, in Concord, to Frank Sheridan, a long-time Maynard Postmaster, and Ellen Reilley, a housewife. She was an only child and a lifelong resident of 5 Bent Avenue in Maynard. She graduated from Maynard High…

A black, iron inkwell.

An agenda for a celebration honoring World War I returning soldiers and sailors from St. Bridget's Parish, Wednesday, April 23, 1919.

7 assorted wooden thread spools. These spools are no longer made - only plastic is used now.

Glass insulators were first produced in the 1850's for use with telegraph lines. As technology developed insulators were needed for telephone lines, electric power lines, and other applications. In the mid 1960's a few people began collecting these…

A Union Crayon Co. crayon box that held one grosss dustless school crayons, manufactured in Lowell, Massachusetts.

An apothecary scale from Whitall Tatum & Co.