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  • Tags: election

Bob Gilligan was elected to a three-year term, defeating Alfred Whitney, incumbent.

This paper covers the ebb and flows of various political parties from the Town's incorporation through the mid 20th century.

A collection of 39 reply letters responding to a request by Charles H. Persons, Maynard Town Clerk, requesting "for comparison a sample or specimen of the ballot used in every state in the Union in this National Election".
There were 45 states…

A group at 56-62 Main Street in front of the Co-op encouraging people to vote for Eugene McCarthy for President.

A group on Main Street encouraging people to vote for Eugene McCarthy for President.

George ran for selectman in 1986 was elected. He attended one meeting of the Board of Selectman and then died of a heart attack.

Joe was a Maynard resident, son of Leo and Alice Mullin.

John Tobin was challenged by Russell Lattucca. John was reelected but did not finish out his term. He died in 1986.

Mike Lynch, a newcomer to local politics, defeated Richard T. White for the office in 1977.

A book containing a photo and brief biography of the elected officials of Massachusetts including Federal Senators and Congressman, State Senators and Representatives, Governor, Governor's Council and other elected officers, with a list of Senate…
