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Nason Street School Grade 8 Class Picture - 1910
Two sepia pictures of the 8th Grade Class at the Nason Street School in 1910.
l to r
Front (9): Grace Haynes, Cecilia Moynihan, Esther White, Josephine Lester, Hannah Johnston, Bessie Sheehan, Marion Flagg, Mildred Rodway, Annie Anelons
Second (9): Barney Blatt, Huldah Nordberg, Catherine Connolly, Raymond Hooper, Stephanie Vodoklys, Deane Whitney, Roy McCormack, Emily Stokes, Michael Louka
Third (7): John Shanahan, Chester Irwin, James Richardson, Alfred Lord, Andrew Dahl, Hubert Rodway, Leonard Kaarari
Fourth (4): Edward Coughlin, Fred Kelly, Harry Croft, Charles Smith
Back (9): Donald Lent, Chester Knight, Arthur Carlton, George Larson, Ralph Panton, Arthur Desmond, Elmer Cook, John Taylor, Harold Dockerty
l to r
Front (9): Grace Haynes, Cecilia Moynihan, Esther White, Josephine Lester, Hannah Johnston, Bessie Sheehan, Marion Flagg, Mildred Rodway, Annie Anelons
Second (9): Barney Blatt, Huldah Nordberg, Catherine Connolly, Raymond Hooper, Stephanie Vodoklys, Deane Whitney, Roy McCormack, Emily Stokes, Michael Louka
Third (7): John Shanahan, Chester Irwin, James Richardson, Alfred Lord, Andrew Dahl, Hubert Rodway, Leonard Kaarari
Fourth (4): Edward Coughlin, Fred Kelly, Harry Croft, Charles Smith
Back (9): Donald Lent, Chester Knight, Arthur Carlton, George Larson, Ralph Panton, Arthur Desmond, Elmer Cook, John Taylor, Harold Dockerty
Geo. D. Elson, Maynard, Mass.
Donated by Mrs. R. E. Hooper.
Donated by Donald Lent.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo Prints.
Physical Dimensions
4.5 x 6 in.; 2 prints