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Nason Street School Grade 1 - 1894
Photo taken on front steps of the Nason Street school which burned in 1916 to be replaced by the brick building now on Nason Street.
(l to r)
Front: Herb Usher, Alvin Smith, Eddie Coughlan, Emmet Riley, Bert Mallinson, Leo Comeau, Walter Comeau, Archie Livingston, Pat Hanson, Wallace Locke
Second: Archie Harding (?), ___Glenes, Clemie Sullivan, Eva LeMoine, Agnes Mahoney, Addie McWilliams, Nellie Coughlan, Elsie Dimery, Ida Moore, Gertie Randall
Third: Mary Moore, Mary Hanson, Mildred Walker, Garry Grove, Lillian Usher, Minnie Carey, Margie Farrell, Clem Wagner, Margaret Driscoll, Leander King, Ed Riley (?)
Fourth: Ethel Butterrworth, Ada Rand, Agnes Greenhalge (?), Mabel McAuslin, Bertha Lawton, Lillian Brooks, Myrtle Sims, Christina Lynch, Sadie Garlick
Back: Louis Parmenter, Jack Carey, Clarence Styvert, Albert Whitney, Albert Priest, ___?, Wilfred Talon (?), Nealy Callahan, Chester Sawyer
(l to r)
Front: Herb Usher, Alvin Smith, Eddie Coughlan, Emmet Riley, Bert Mallinson, Leo Comeau, Walter Comeau, Archie Livingston, Pat Hanson, Wallace Locke
Second: Archie Harding (?), ___Glenes, Clemie Sullivan, Eva LeMoine, Agnes Mahoney, Addie McWilliams, Nellie Coughlan, Elsie Dimery, Ida Moore, Gertie Randall
Third: Mary Moore, Mary Hanson, Mildred Walker, Garry Grove, Lillian Usher, Minnie Carey, Margie Farrell, Clem Wagner, Margaret Driscoll, Leander King, Ed Riley (?)
Fourth: Ethel Butterrworth, Ada Rand, Agnes Greenhalge (?), Mabel McAuslin, Bertha Lawton, Lillian Brooks, Myrtle Sims, Christina Lynch, Sadie Garlick
Back: Louis Parmenter, Jack Carey, Clarence Styvert, Albert Whitney, Albert Priest, ___?, Wilfred Talon (?), Nealy Callahan, Chester Sawyer
Bruce McGarry from the estate of Bertha Lawton Davis
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo prints
Physical Dimensions
5 x 7 in., three copies