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A Piece Of The First Carpet Manufactured at Knight & Maynard Factory In 1847.
A 22 in. x 35 in. piece of the first material manufactured in the Assabet Mill when if started in 1847. Preserved and handed down through the Maynard family.
This piece of cloth was last owned by William H. Gutteridge. Mr. Gutteridge came to Maynard in 1863, although his parents Robet Gutteridge and Mary Wood worked here in 1847 before their marriage. Mary boarded with Mr. Maynard and wound the first bobbin in the Assabet Mill. Robert was a carpet weaver, and after their marriage went to Freemont, New York where their children were born. William went to work as office boy for the Assabet Manufacturing Company, and in 1882 became paymaster, a position he held until the mill failed in 1898. When the American Woolen Company took over he continued in their employ as paymaster until his retirement. His son George was a close chum of Lorenzo Malynard, who gave this piece of carpet to the Gutteridges. It was found by the Allens when cleaning out the Gutteridges house after George had died.
This piece of cloth was last owned by William H. Gutteridge. Mr. Gutteridge came to Maynard in 1863, although his parents Robet Gutteridge and Mary Wood worked here in 1847 before their marriage. Mary boarded with Mr. Maynard and wound the first bobbin in the Assabet Mill. Robert was a carpet weaver, and after their marriage went to Freemont, New York where their children were born. William went to work as office boy for the Assabet Manufacturing Company, and in 1882 became paymaster, a position he held until the mill failed in 1898. When the American Woolen Company took over he continued in their employ as paymaster until his retirement. His son George was a close chum of Lorenzo Malynard, who gave this piece of carpet to the Gutteridges. It was found by the Allens when cleaning out the Gutteridges house after George had died.
Richard Allen, Sr.
Artifact Item Type Metadata