Dublin Core
Ice Cutting And Handling Tools - J. Leo Comeau
These were the property of J. Leo Comeau, who was the last of the icemen to make deliveries in town. He delivered ice right up to the day he was stricken in May 1965. He used the apron when carrying the ice.
In 1849 when the Marlboro Branch of the railroad was completed, a large ice house was erected by N.J. Wyeth where the Front Street houses now stand. It was of brick construction and held 40,000 tons of ice which was cut on the mill pond and shipped to Boston. About 1864 it ceased to be used, and the Assabet Mfg. Co. purchased and tore down the building, using the brick for mill construction. The granite arch and keystone may be seen over the door of No.12 mill near Main Street. Until early 1930's ice was cut on the Assabet River just above the 'Ben Smith Dam" and above "Russell's Bridge". It was stored in houses located across the tracks from the town pumping station and also on the Stow side of the road near the bridge. J.R. Bent and later C.C. Murray and finally John Zaniewski cut above the dam. W.O. Strout and J. Leo Comeau cut above Russells Bridge. Both houses have since been destroyed by fire. Mr. Comeau, until a few years ago, cut ice in West Concord and later purchased ice in East Acton. For the past few years has purchased artificial ice from Lowell, making the trip daily to and from Lowell and delivering the ice in Maynard.
2 hand saws; 2 pikes; 1 hatchet; 1 pair red tongs; 1 rubber apron
One ice saw has a red-painted shield with the following words: Gifford Wood Co., Ice Machines & Ice Tools, NY, Boston, Chicago.
In 1849 when the Marlboro Branch of the railroad was completed, a large ice house was erected by N.J. Wyeth where the Front Street houses now stand. It was of brick construction and held 40,000 tons of ice which was cut on the mill pond and shipped to Boston. About 1864 it ceased to be used, and the Assabet Mfg. Co. purchased and tore down the building, using the brick for mill construction. The granite arch and keystone may be seen over the door of No.12 mill near Main Street. Until early 1930's ice was cut on the Assabet River just above the 'Ben Smith Dam" and above "Russell's Bridge". It was stored in houses located across the tracks from the town pumping station and also on the Stow side of the road near the bridge. J.R. Bent and later C.C. Murray and finally John Zaniewski cut above the dam. W.O. Strout and J. Leo Comeau cut above Russells Bridge. Both houses have since been destroyed by fire. Mr. Comeau, until a few years ago, cut ice in West Concord and later purchased ice in East Acton. For the past few years has purchased artificial ice from Lowell, making the trip daily to and from Lowell and delivering the ice in Maynard.
2 hand saws; 2 pikes; 1 hatchet; 1 pair red tongs; 1 rubber apron
One ice saw has a red-painted shield with the following words: Gifford Wood Co., Ice Machines & Ice Tools, NY, Boston, Chicago.
Donated by Mrs. Louise Comeau (Mrs. J. Leo Comeau).
Artifact Item Type Metadata
Tongs: Steel; 15"H x 9"W.
Apron: Rubber; 26"W x 28"L.
Ice Cutter Gaff: Wood, steel blade; 42"L (blade is 10")
Ice Saw: Wood, steel; 6'H x 7"W.
Ice Saw: Wood, steel; 6'H x 8"W.
Small Artifact Room
2 -Ice Saws
2 -Ice Saws
Ice Cutter/Gaff
Ice Pick