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Graduating Exercises Program - 1927
Maynard High School
Maynard High School
The Graduates: Oiva Alasaari, Mildred Axford, Walter Carbone, Gertrude Chandler, William Croft, Winifred Fardy, Esther Fonsell, Ruth Foster, Ruth French, Laura Gault, Harold Glickman, Evelyn Gould, Gertrude Herbert, Ellen Jaakkola, Martha Jantti, Alice Jarvi, Helmi Jokinen, Margaret Kelley, Niilo Keto, Anna Kozak, Tyyne Lahti, Sylvia Lindfors, Flamme Lombard, Helen Lyons, Ranghild Mark, Geneva Martin, Margaret Moore, Dorothy Mosher, Ruth Moynihan, Phyllis Naylor, Gerald Nee, Leah Ojanen, Marian Peterson, Hazel Phillips, Frances Pieceiwicz, Grace Ployart, Hazel Priest, Esther Salo, Helen Salo, Mary Sheridan, Elizabeth Slimond, Edward Vodoklys, Lillian Weaving, Leo Weckstrom, Ruth Wilson, Ernest Wollerschied
June 29, 1927
Document Item Type Metadata
Faculty: A. Russell C. Cole, George A. Kennedy, M. Francis Reardon, Agnes Walsh, Marcia Wallingford, Francis Adams, Lorena Kennedy, Donald Lent, Edith McKee, Lillian Reid, Helen Sheldrick, Mary Thompson, Madeline Williams, George H. Woods, Etta Graves
School Committee: James J. Hilferty, Lena McCleary, Oliver Trees
Superintendent of Schools: Jerome P. Fogwell
School Committee: James J. Hilferty, Lena McCleary, Oliver Trees
Superintendent of Schools: Jerome P. Fogwell
Original Format
Folded paper 5x7.5 in