Dublin Core
Graduating Exercises Program - 1926
Maynard High School
Maynard High School
The Graduates: Paul A. Allen, Frances J. Archer, John V. Bundalavirch, Helen W. Chase, Alice R. Doyle, John J. Duggan, George D. Elson, Jr., Andrew J. Fardy, Ebba Fonsell, Paul H. Green, Annie D. Hakkinen, Catherine A. Hearon, Aina I. Hiipakka, Kathleen E. Hinds, Ernest K. Holt, Uno M. Holt, Veikko O. Hurme, Helen I. Jamieson, Laura M. Jones, Leonard F. Kelley, Harland V. Larkin, Fannie S. Lehto, Louise E. Lombard, Henry A. Murphy, Caroline M. Murray, Pauline A. D. Newton, Sylvia V. Nummelin, Madeline G. Prue, Florence Seder, Tauno O. Seppanen, Walter F. Sheridan, Ilmari Sjoblom, Laila I. Sulkala, Charles M. Sweeney, Walter T. Tierney, Michael J. Vodoklys, John J. Walsh, Malvina M. Wojtkiewicz, Gertrude E. Yahn
June 23, 1926
Donated by Nicholas Kavalchuk
Document Item Type Metadata
Faculty: A. Russell C. Cole, George A. Kennedy, Anna Fessenden, Mary Newton, Katherine Griffin, Louise Harding, Veronica Barry, Eleanor Smith, Marcia Wallingford, Agnes Walsh, M. Francis Reardon, Emily Jewell, George H. Woods, Etta Graves
School Committee: James J. Hilferty, Lena McCleary, Oliver Trees
Superintendent of Schools: William H. Millington
School Committee: James J. Hilferty, Lena McCleary, Oliver Trees
Superintendent of Schools: William H. Millington
Original Format
Folded paper 5x7.5 in