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BY-LAWS of the Riverside Co-operative Association
Incorporated Nov. 12, 1878
Incorporated Nov. 12, 1878
The By-laws have 11 articles that includes:
Article I: Name; Article II: Quorum; Article III: Officiers and Their Duties; Article X: Dissolution; Article XI; Amendments
Article I: Name; Article II: Quorum; Article III: Officiers and Their Duties; Article X: Dissolution; Article XI; Amendments
Wm. M. Sargent, Printer
Ayer, Mass.
Ayer, Mass.
Donated by Mrs. Ruth Clair
Document Item Type Metadata
"No. 851
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Be it known - That Whereas James Grady, Michael Twomey, Michael Sweeney, James B. Lord, Robert Wilson, James H. Long, Elias Roebuck, James Carney, Bernard Norton, David McEvay, Joseph M. Hapgood, Wm. Robinson, Samuel Wilson, Jonathan Cookson, B. R. McCormick, William Cullen and others have associated themselves with the intention of forming a Corporation under the name of the Riverside Co-operative Association of Maynard , for the purpose of carrying on co-operative trade as a general co-operative store, with a capital of one thousand five hundred dollars, and have compiled with the provisions of the Statues of this Commonwealth..."
from page 11
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Be it known - That Whereas James Grady, Michael Twomey, Michael Sweeney, James B. Lord, Robert Wilson, James H. Long, Elias Roebuck, James Carney, Bernard Norton, David McEvay, Joseph M. Hapgood, Wm. Robinson, Samuel Wilson, Jonathan Cookson, B. R. McCormick, William Cullen and others have associated themselves with the intention of forming a Corporation under the name of the Riverside Co-operative Association of Maynard , for the purpose of carrying on co-operative trade as a general co-operative store, with a capital of one thousand five hundred dollars, and have compiled with the provisions of the Statues of this Commonwealth..."
from page 11
Original Format
Booklet, 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 in, 12 pages
Riverside Cooperative Association folder